Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

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Alteryx For Good Activity in India is AdHoc (based on when the charity organization was on-boarded and based on the nature of the Alteryx use cases they have) hence, we will rarely be able to follow or get the existing Alteryx For Good week badges.


The suggestion is to create new badges that can be allocated to individuals who participate in such events/activities.


This will help to keep up the momentum of the volunteers!


(I understand tracking can be a challenge, but we can use eventbrite portal to track the attendance.)

Looking at the Gallery - there are dozens of great macros and tools and connectors which have been built and provided by Alteryx.


However for large enterprise clients - it becomes difficult to distribute these tools because every tool has to be downloaded; repacked for the internal environment; and then distributed, and so as a result these are not able to be used or appreciated by large clients because of this overhead of packaging.


There's an easy way round this - which is to do a daily package (automated) of the gallery assets provided by Alteryx, and make this available for download - that way, enterprise admins can then download the latest version of the Alteryx connectors; predicitve tools etc.        


Is this something we could look into?

Hey @LeahK


you mentioned in your post here ( just how important it is to mark things as "solution" once they are solved so that people know a good solution to the problem (similar to StackOverflow)


However, I've been trawling through the discussion boards, and there's loads of old stuff out there that has not been marked.


I think that there's two relatively simple things we can do on this:

- Give people quickfilters (like you do on the ideas discussion board to see what's on the roadmap etc) to target problems that are unsolved.  This will allow the solution hounds in the community (see the top 10 list below) the ability to quickly target any spare time to focus on providing solutions.    Note - I'm pretty certain that there is a huge community of people providing solutions, but they are not getting the credit 'cause folks are not marking their original request as "solved"

- Additionally - we need the ability to clean up - I was trawling through the older ones, and there's items out there from 2012 where I'm pretty sure that the requestor is no-longer checking for updates on this thread.   We can do 2 things here:

     - the community can request that people mark these as solved if they are solved (the solution hounds can chase this)

     - we also need the ability to mark a solution if the original poster does not - almost like a community vote like Stack Overflow does - again, this will allow the solution hounds and to assist with cleaning up the backlog, and will also make the data in this community more valuable.   

     - Finally - some things cannot be solved - we need to mark these as "closed but not solved" in some way.    For example - I could easily post something saying "please let me know how to get Alteryx to automatically change variables through the workflow when I change them".    This is on the idea board (and on the roadmap I believe), but not currently solved.   Can we have a way of either marking these as "Closed" or "Closed as new product idea - moved to idea board" and then create an idea-board insert for this?


I think that this would really help in cleaning up the backlog of items on the discussion forum which are years old and still looking like pending discussions!


Thank you 



Top 10 solution hounds (people with accepted solutions) across the 4 discussion areas as of 09 Apr 2017

@MarqueeCrew @alex @patrick_digan @Bob_Blackey @pcatterson @Garrett @Kanderson @jlefeaux @JohnJPS @ThizViz @Claje @Abiswal86 @munirsalim @mbarone @msbs48 @AmandaMS @patrick_mcauliffe @ShannonH @rpaugh @bsharbo @tlisti @jdunkerley79 @Evie @DavidVonka @dev_raut @brendafos @toddhowl @oliver_huber just to take the top 10 from the various boards)





It seems that there are 4 ways that the community can help to increase traffic to the BETA program, which is a key priority for the dev team:


a) Add a beta section to the community; at the top level of navigation - preferably with some kind of a highlight so that people's eyes are drawn to it when there is new content

b) Reward people for participating in the BETA; adding suggestions; and logging defects in the BETA - with badges and highlights in the community news

c) Advertise the beta.   We can tell people about it with splashes on the front page; notes in the community news etc

d) Outreach to members of the community who are posting issues etc.


This would be a way to make use of the power of the community to make each BETA better.


cc: @TreyW 

if I post a useful article in the community I'd like the ability to mark it as such, rather than as a question. At the moment I get emails prompting me to accept a solution - when there isn't a solution required. Marking a topic as "information only" or similar would solve this.

What do you think about an area in the community for people to look for talent or offer their talent. If we had that, I can tell you right now it would be my first stop before any job search or recruiting sites.

Hello all,

The process for updating Ideas status looks like a mess :
-Some ideas are implemented but not updated (I had to PM @JessL who nicely did it). And since the release notes are not complete as well, I wasn't aware one my ideas was released until a friend of mine showed me it works !

-Some ideas (at least several dozens) are Under review or Accepted for several years (more than 4 years)

Ideas status are very important for me, it gives customers an idea of the roadmap. This also helps to know where a release will bring features we need.

So please bring up to date status and maybe more transparency on how you deal wih ideas.

Best regards,


So - one of the common things that I do almost every few days - is to pass on an article on the community to someone who I work with.  

Right now - the only way to do this is to share it using the share button (which then goes via e-mail or twitter etc) or otherwise create a personal message, or even worse you can do a reply with "plus person XXX" but this just creates noise on the thread


Could we add 3 features to the community to make this MUCH quicker:

- Share with community user/group of users

- Allow me to create my own group of users like "Admin team" or "Designer users" or "my direct team" which I can forward the message to

- create a notification in the notification section for shared articles


This would make sharing content MUCH faster.


I am meeting a lot of awesome people at #Inspire17!! ...but when I went to try and find some of them on the Community, I realize there is no easy way to do this. How cool would it be for there to be a User or People section on the Community where you could find people by querying their public stats (or even private stats if the user checks something saying to make those stats public)?! This feature could help tremendously with networking! Here's some situations where something like this would help:


"I remember this guy worked for x-company, if only I could see their name, I would know who it is"

"I want to connect with other Alteryx users near me"

"I want to reach out to this presenter from Inspire17, but I forgot what their Community Username was"


Hi @LeahK,


On our profile pic (top right) there is a very simple marker that shows if you have new messages or notifications.

Can we implement something similar for the other areas on the left hand panel?

- if there are new items in the discussions, then put a green circle with a number in indicating the count

- Same for Knowledge

- same for training; blogs; events etc.


This would be MASSIVELY helpful because that would allow everyone to see on a simple scan if there's new content out there without having to trawl into each section one by one to find new stuff.


NOTE: if we wanted to really make this uber-cool, for the discussion areas, users would be able to say "only count unsolved (or only new unsolved) discussion treads in my notification counter".   That way, people like the top solution hounds (listed below) could be in and solving problems in seconds.


Top solution authors copied: (based on

@MarqueeCrew @jdunkerley79  @JohnJPS @michael_treadwell @patrick_digan @pcatterson @Joe_Mako @DataBlender @s_pichaipillai @Federica_FF @chris_love @tom_montpool @jack_morgan @kane_glendenning @Bob_Blackey @alex @danielbrun2 @DultonM @dataMack @Kanderson

Sometimes, Ideas are posted by users that have solutions or workarounds that meet the user's need.  When others in the Community respond with these suggestions, the ideas usually end up in a status of "Not Planned".

I think it would be really helpful to be able to mark these as "solved".  An example of this is the following post:


Here, the user posted a suggestion, and I as well as @mcarrico were able to provide suggestions that met this need.  I think marking this post as Solved could help other users who have the same thought in the future.

I also think that this might be an opportunity for an additional tag for Community ideas, either "workaround available" or "already implemented".  "Not Planned" doesn't necessarily read as well as it could in cases where a solution exists.

Hello Community !

The idea for this post is to release functionality within the Alteryx community to reinforce the importance of marking posts as resolved once an answer has been provided. Some of the most active community members provide responses to posts numerous times a day, with no succinct ability to identify which responses were accepted as solutions, which in turn leads to many posts with received responses (many with correct responses) but those may not be marked as solutions.


I'd propose creating functionality within the "my recent activity" to filter by solutions where a user has provided a response, but the overall thread has no responses marked as resolved. This would allow community members who are assisting others, to ensure their questions have been answered by giving the ability to easily follow up if needed. By doing this, the idea would be to nudge the community to mark additional responses as resolved to improve the future finding solutions in the future.




As a second recommendation perhaps push notification reminders could also be sent to members of the community posing the questions. If a post has received responses but none have been marked as a solution, perhaps a push notification could be sent to the user prompting them to review the responses. From there, an answer could be marked as accepted, or the submitter of the question could flag that they have not yet received an answer that matches their question. Here I am thinking of functionality similar to facebook marketplace where a seller receives a message like the below after a period of time:







We all loved the District section of the old Gallery, it was the single most important page of the old Gallery as it was allowing to quickly find high quality tools, no matter if built by Alteryx or Community.


In the current Gallery we are completely missing the categories for Alteryx built macros / connectors / tools, as well as we don't have a category for ACE-built tools. Right now, the Gallery is still in it's early days, but it's already hard to find the things that we are looking for. I often reference Gallery-Macros in the training and customer sessions. In the past I knew where to send the people (Districts Page), nowadays I don't. There is no single page that shows what is really important and quality proven. 


I like that we are able to tag what we upload, but there is no way to differentiate from quality builds and "others". I don't want to call people out here.


Take a look at the following page:



I'm sure that's amazing content and has its right to stay on the Gallery, but I'm pretty sure we aren't searching for this or shall we upload all our exercises and weekly challenges to the new Gallery?


We need:

- Alteryx Category

- ACE Category

- Quality Content flag


Theoretically there is the following (hidden) option - but it's only available on sub-pages.




And it's not really well maintained from what we can see. Let's take a look what's supported by Alteryx in the Automation Category:



And now let's take a look at the full page:



Alteryx has a technology alliance with Blueprism -  shouldn't we trust their content? The official Blue Prism Connector is not supported by Alteryx? And their macro as well. How shall I explain to my customers that these are "semi-official" (because not part of core-product) tools if they aren't even flagged as Alteryx-supported?


There are many more examples where even Macros from the AlteryxProducts account are not flagged as supported by Alteryx (e.g. Runner macro). 


There needs to be a single page that shows all high-quality builds, as well as we need a page for all Alteryx / ACE tools to make it easier for everyone.










It is nice how typing the @ symbol brings up a list of users already on a post that you're replying to. This makes tagging people quick and easy. 


Sometimes the list of users that have replied to a post is greater than the subset sample shown in this dropdown, however. In this case, you can start typing and the results do update, but it seems to return the best match from the Community at large. If I want to tag someone from this particular post I'm replying to, I often have to type out nearly the whole name before it is able to narrow down the search results to the user I want. I would love to be able to start typing just the first two characters of a username and have the list update while prioritizing the users relevant to the post


Just typing @:




After typing pa:




How many letters I had to type out before finally getting the result for the user who actually made the post I'm replying to:




Hi there

(cc @AshleyK ; @JoshH ; @BenG ; @LDuane ; @JulieH )


Looking at the ideas board for the Alteryx Product Ideas - it's clear that these ideas are not being processed by the product teams.   76% of all the ideas logged are still in "New" state, with 1033 unique ideas out there which have not yet been moved into a state which would indicate any sort of consideration.


Is there anything that we as a community can do to help?


Note: Many of these ideas point to similar issues, so with some curation this number can be brought down significantly.


Thank you




Hi all,


Reading through the product ideas raised by the community - it strikes me that there are significant clusters.   Two jump out - improvements to date/time handling & parsing, and caching.


This is not a suggestion about either of these topics, but a question about how we look at and structure these ideas.   Let's take the date-time ones (full list is below) as a worked example:

- there are 23 distinct ideas (or 22 if you exclude the one about generating random dates) which relate to the treatment (mainly parsing; formatting or constructing) of dates & times

- None of these individually has enough votes to get them onto the "hot ideas" list - however when you look in aggregate across them, the theme of "standardizing and enriching date-time processing" is probably one of the hottest topics at the moment.


Two suggestions:

Tagging: If we are able to spot these patterns - and then create a tag that is related to this (in this case "DateTime handling") - the product team would probably be able to do some pretty interesting analytics.

Grouping: In order to allow people to spot these BEFORE they log the next idea which is trying to achieve the same thing - is it worth the community creating a grouped-up idea which then becomes persistent if there is a clear trend; and we can link out to these ideas?   For example an idea saying "standardize & Enrich treatment of date time", which then becomes a sticky item at the top of the forum so that folks don't have to search for pages to see if their idea is a duplicate.

NOTE: this second one (grouping) will also save time for the product team because they won't have to spend as much time flagging duplicates...


Hope this makes sense - as always, happy to help in thinking about potential solutions.


Note: the 23 ideas related to date-time treatment are captured below (as a worked example), and the authors of these ideas have been tagged out of courtesy


@DultonM @braxtone @Philip @AshokBhatt @CSchrader @dawid_nawrot @jdunkerley79 @Joe_Lipski @ChadB @nicholas_carstens @GGuenther @AndrewW @RachelW







In today's day and age, we are constantly on the move and we may not always have access to the laptop/desktop that we have installed Alteryx on. While on the move and no access to the Alteryx installed computer, it would be great to login to the Alteryx Community Simulator to test or solve a problem or try a new field, formula, etc. to see how the results would look.



A great way to promote and share the awesome Alteryx Certification process is to allow Badge and Certification URL  to show up in LinkedIn.  Here is example of IBM certification badges:



I posted on the general sub here:


Thanks @Alayna for requesting that I post it here. 


I will split this Idea into 2 sections:

#1 Learning Paths for ML 

We currently don't have much options when it comes to learning how to utilize ML in itself + how to use the tools in Alteryx.

The standard R Tools like:

Screenshot 2023-07-09 095339.png

These tools don't really have a learning path to them, and they are more towards end users who already know how to utilize them. It would be good if there was training or education material on them with the Alteryx context so that users can pick them up and start using them. 


Currently, the learning paths available for ML are the Intelligence Suite, which is an add-on that Alteryx has. Not everyone has access to the Intelligence Suite, and more people would have access to the standard R Tools upon download. It would be good to have a focus area on them as well, and to make a whole theme around them too.

#2 Certification

Right now, we have the Micro-Certification for Machine Learning (Free):  

Screenshot 2023-07-09 095009.png


and also the Predictive Master Certification (paid):



Connecting to Point #1, there's a big jump from Micro to Expert without anything in between. I think where the Core/Advanced equivalents for ML/Predictive is to touch on the basic areas of the R Tools, and then test on theory as well. 


Alteryx can partner up with institutions dedicated to teaching data science so that they can make this happen. 


I welcome all the community members to chime in on this and add-on to the idea in the comments down below as well.





It would be nice if the answers marked as solved were highlighted a little better. Currently, there is a little checkbox next to the start of the answer which can be hard to see when scrolling a longer list of answers. It would be nice if the answer was promoted to the top and also highlighted all in green (or at least a border.) that way it will be apparent when browsing through the chatter.