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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Follow-through on user-identified ideas

Hi there

(cc @AshleyK ; @JoshH ; @BenG ; @LDuane ; @JulieH )


Looking at the ideas board for the Alteryx Product Ideas - it's clear that these ideas are not being processed by the product teams.   76% of all the ideas logged are still in "New" state, with 1033 unique ideas out there which have not yet been moved into a state which would indicate any sort of consideration.


Is there anything that we as a community can do to help?


Note: Many of these ideas point to similar issues, so with some curation this number can be brought down significantly.


Thank you




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Sean,


Thank you for raising this.  The Product team is committed to improving our responses and response rate on the Ideas board.  We do look through these often but have not been as good at acknowledging and engaging with customers that are leaving ideas as we should be (which we love and want more of).  Look for updates starting this week and thank you for calling this out.  It would be great to hear any further input you have to make this a more powerful tool for customers and product to engage.  Please keep the feedback coming!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi all,


I did a quick review, and it seems that 71% of the product ideas are still not updated (still marked as new)

Is there anything that we as a community can do to help?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @SeanAdams - thank you for checking in on this with us.  As Ashley mentioned, the Product team is taking on an initiative to update the Ideas and increase engagement.  You will continue to see some updates and improvements in the near-term and we are excited to continue to hear the great feedback from members of the Community.  Stay tuned!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi all,

Just wanted to acknowledge that the stats on the ideas board have improved dramatically over the last few releases (multiple user-initiated ideas delivered in each of the last few releases)

  • When this thread was posted in 2017; only 69 ideas had been marked as completed; and > 76% were in "new" status.
  • Rolling forward to today - 301 ideas are marked as implemented and 10 Fixed; and 784 have been moved to an inactive status.   So that brings the "new idea" status down to 40% of the population.

Hopefully it will be possible to keep this momentum!


New Idea107739%
Under Review2118%
Not Planned1345%
Comments Requested592%
Now Available422%
Coming Soon100%
Partner Dependent90%
On the Roadmap20%



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Very cool stats to see-- thanks for puling @SeanAdams and THANKS to the Alteryx Product team!


Keep it up, we all appreciate it!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Very glad that @KylieF and @DanM's efforts along with many product managers and engineers are starting to pay off. 
And a big thanks to @SeanAdams for the encouragements! We intend indeed to keep the momentum. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@SeanAdams  Thank you for the update! We have put several initiatives and processes into place to improve our communication and implementation of customer driven ideas and we’re glad to see the changes being recognized. This is not a one time thing, we will continue to improve and keep the momentum going. Please keep the feedback on both the products and how we are doing with implementing these ideas coming!




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Thanks for the suggestion. As I'm sure you've noticed, we now have a member of our Community team dedicated to work with Product Management and keeping timely updates on Ideas.