Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

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The Alteryx community serves many people across many continents.  When a user posts a comment or wants to read a post, there should be an option to "Translate" the post to their preferred language.




We got,


Why not an;


Could we add the capability to quickly get to the list of ideas that I have posted so that I can check on them and / or add to them?


The use case here is that often I'll say to someone "Yip - we suggested this as an idea, please add comments here...", but with hundreds of ideas in the system, it's not easy to see the ideas that are mine so that I can quickly refer someone to the right link.   This can be done via the advanced search, but this is somewhat awkward to use (you have to search for something, then hit advanced search, then filter for yourself as author and Ideas as category, and then go through this page at a time)


A nice way of doing this may be to embed a tableau dash in each users's profile page, so that you can see your own ideas, grouped by popularity or grouped by tag, or by date posted etc.



Idea for @PatrickN


Really love the certification - it's a tremendous tool for both the community at large, and for Alteryx to grow their trained user base.  

How would you feel about bringing a page into the "Academy" section of the community site so that people can easily find this (that seems like a logical place to keep this)?


thank you again for the work on the certification program - @patrick_digan mentioned to me that there are now over 50 people certified already (56 this morning) - not bad at all for a 6 day old certification program!



Hi there

(cc @AshleyK ; @JoshH ; @BenG ; @LDuane ; @JulieH )


Looking at the ideas board for the Alteryx Product Ideas - it's clear that these ideas are not being processed by the product teams.   76% of all the ideas logged are still in "New" state, with 1033 unique ideas out there which have not yet been moved into a state which would indicate any sort of consideration.


Is there anything that we as a community can do to help?


Note: Many of these ideas point to similar issues, so with some curation this number can be brought down significantly.


Thank you




Lumping Connect in with Gallery makes it difficult to find things specific to Connect. There is already one thread tagged as "Connect," which has nothing to do with Connect. I know it is new, and there is little activity, but with the issues I am experiencing, I expect the space to explode very quickly.

right now if someone wants to change their e-mail subscription to a particular board, they need to scroll through the subscriptions on every item ever posted to get there:


Could we add a quick filter to this subscriptions page to allow someone quickly to get to board or knowledge base subscriptions (i.e. filter out the topics and ideas and articles that have been auto-subscribed by replying).


Thank you




So - one of the common things that I do almost every few days - is to pass on an article on the community to someone who I work with.  

Right now - the only way to do this is to share it using the share button (which then goes via e-mail or twitter etc) or otherwise create a personal message, or even worse you can do a reply with "plus person XXX" but this just creates noise on the thread


Could we add 3 features to the community to make this MUCH quicker:

- Share with community user/group of users

- Allow me to create my own group of users like "Admin team" or "Designer users" or "my direct team" which I can forward the message to

- create a notification in the notification section for shared articles


This would make sharing content MUCH faster.


Hey there,


Please forgive me if I'm the only one who works like this - but one of my standard processes with the alteryx community is to frequently scan new posts, and then make a note to come back to the ones that either I want to respond to; or spend learning time on etc.


The way I currently do this is to take the URL, and pop it into Google Keep - I have 3 google Keep lists:

- One for Learning

- One for community stuff (general responses)

- one for my immediate priorities (generally stuff that I owe someone a personal response on).


Not sure if anyone else would find this useful, but i'd really value the ability to do this within the alteryx community site itself.  What I'm thinking of is:

a) mark a topic as "Add to list" and then like on the Amazon Wishlist I can select which list

b) I can then print out a digest of the posts that are in a particular list for reading on the train / car / flight etc

c) this list becomes my 3rd notfication list then - currently we have notifications for alerts; personal messages - we can then add this as a 3rd item.


Essentially this could work like youtube "Save for later".


Anyone else find this useful - if so, give it ia star :=_


Happy Wednesday



Sometimes we end up posting duplicate replies. There is no way to delete it. The only option is to now remove all the contents and post an empty reply.


It happened to me today:

I am meeting a lot of awesome people at #Inspire17!! ...but when I went to try and find some of them on the Community, I realize there is no easy way to do this. How cool would it be for there to be a User or People section on the Community where you could find people by querying their public stats (or even private stats if the user checks something saying to make those stats public)?! This feature could help tremendously with networking! Here's some situations where something like this would help:


"I remember this guy worked for x-company, if only I could see their name, I would know who it is"

"I want to connect with other Alteryx users near me"

"I want to reach out to this presenter from Inspire17, but I forgot what their Community Username was"


Currently the only way that a thread can be closed on the discussion boards is if it's solved, however there are several cases where it cannot be solved because it's identified a defect, or something that would be an idea for the product.

In these cases, can we have an option to close this thread (so that folk can see it's done) even if it's not solved with a different closure indicator?


I can think of a few:

- Transfer to idea

- Transfer to defect/bug

- Abandoned



Hi there,


In the community we have the concept of user ranks ( @JulieH published the launch notes her: ), and we also have the idea of community roles (e.g. Alteryx Partner; Chief Technology Officer; etc)


Could we separate these out into two different fields?   reason for asking is that folk like @MarqueeCrew and @jdunkerley79 have worked hard for their Magnetar rank, but because Mark is also a partner this is now hidden (because it's overridden with his partner status).    It would be good to see the entire community ranked with the user ranking system, irrespective of role - and then the role provides different privileges and permissions and may be a tuple (e.g. Mark could be an "Alteryx Partner" as well as "Alteryx Ace" as well as "Alteryx Community Super" - James could be "ACE"; "Lead formula innovator" and "Alteryx Community Super")



How is Alteryx a spelling error on the Community? Can we adjust it?

It would be great if we could have a feature in the community where I can recommend an article to a friend or colleague from within the site.


If we wanted to make this really fun, you could even reward people who bring new folk into the community - you get credit for every new joiner, only after they graduate beyond a certain user level (e.g. Atom or Meteor), and the credit belongs to the first person who sent them a recommendation?


We already have one of the best communities out there, the question is how do we get better at telling more people about it!

Oh no:

  • we had a Valentines day badge, and a st Patricks day, and a haloween day, but no "Star wars Day" badge?  This seems to me to be one of the most important days on the calendar
  • we missed Yuri's night on April 12th too :
  • I believe we also missed 10th March, which is both "International awesomeness day" and also Chuck Norris's birthday.   


We have to start thinking for 2018 how we can appropriately make a fuss of these important days. We should ask ourselves "what would Chuck do"?


Don't worry though - we still have time to plan for International CAPS LOCK day, which is held twice per year on June 28th, and Oct 22nd.  THAT IS FANTASTIC YEARLY EVENT (JUST GETTING IN SOME PRACTICE)!



Hey all,

One of the areas that may be lacking in content a little is the server / admin side.   I may have missed this, but it seems like there are very few (if any) challenges or contests for the folk who do look after the Alteryx Server to sharpen their skills.


This is an area that I'd like to learn too - both to grow my own personal skill, but also to be of assistance for these sorts of questions.


Would there be a way that we could create a focus area around Server; and also a way for community members to download and install Server at home to learn?   We could severely limit this version (e.g. the learning version only allows 5 live workflows) to prevent people making a commercial operation, but still make the full capability available so people can learn this key part of the puzzle?


Thank you



Hi all,


@Joe_Makopointed out to me yesterday by a PM that the export & package tool for Alteryx has a known defect, where the nested macros (a macro inside a macro) don't export properly.


That set me thinking - what's the best way for the community to log defects, and I'm wondering if there's a place for a section on this forum for defect reports?   That would also make it easier for the Alteryx team to parse out defects (which folk like @Ned care very deeply about) from other types of posting.


This would have to be heavily curated though - in my experience, a large number of defects raised for systems I've managed over the years have not been defects, but actually users not understanding the tools - however these did give us very valuable insight into usability; training; etc.


So -  if we had a "Potential defects" section, and if the more senior members of the community had the ability to curate along with alterxy, we should be able to do something good here:

Curate actions needed:

- move some to "Ideas" if they are new functionality

- move some to one of the discussions thread if they are actually a usage question

- Escalate some to the technical leads at Alteryx

- the alteryx team could workflow them in the same way as the ideas but with an additional step of "replicatable example pending from user"


Let me know what you think?




Hi all,


In working through older posts, it's apparent that many have been orphaned by the author who may no-longer visit the Alteryx community site.


To check this - could we add "last logged in date" to the user's profile card (screenshot below)?   That would make it very easy to see if we should follow up with the user to progress to a solution, or just close the thread.






Hi all,


Reading through the product ideas raised by the community - it strikes me that there are significant clusters.   Two jump out - improvements to date/time handling & parsing, and caching.


This is not a suggestion about either of these topics, but a question about how we look at and structure these ideas.   Let's take the date-time ones (full list is below) as a worked example:

- there are 23 distinct ideas (or 22 if you exclude the one about generating random dates) which relate to the treatment (mainly parsing; formatting or constructing) of dates & times

- None of these individually has enough votes to get them onto the "hot ideas" list - however when you look in aggregate across them, the theme of "standardizing and enriching date-time processing" is probably one of the hottest topics at the moment.


Two suggestions:

Tagging: If we are able to spot these patterns - and then create a tag that is related to this (in this case "DateTime handling") - the product team would probably be able to do some pretty interesting analytics.

Grouping: In order to allow people to spot these BEFORE they log the next idea which is trying to achieve the same thing - is it worth the community creating a grouped-up idea which then becomes persistent if there is a clear trend; and we can link out to these ideas?   For example an idea saying "standardize & Enrich treatment of date time", which then becomes a sticky item at the top of the forum so that folks don't have to search for pages to see if their idea is a duplicate.

NOTE: this second one (grouping) will also save time for the product team because they won't have to spend as much time flagging duplicates...


Hope this makes sense - as always, happy to help in thinking about potential solutions.


Note: the 23 ideas related to date-time treatment are captured below (as a worked example), and the authors of these ideas have been tagged out of courtesy


@DultonM @braxtone @Philip @AshokBhatt @CSchrader @dawid_nawrot @jdunkerley79 @Joe_Lipski @ChadB @nicholas_carstens @GGuenther @AndrewW @RachelW