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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Ability to find my ideas

Could we add the capability to quickly get to the list of ideas that I have posted so that I can check on them and / or add to them?


The use case here is that often I'll say to someone "Yip - we suggested this as an idea, please add comments here...", but with hundreds of ideas in the system, it's not easy to see the ideas that are mine so that I can quickly refer someone to the right link.   This can be done via the advanced search, but this is somewhat awkward to use (you have to search for something, then hit advanced search, then filter for yourself as author and Ideas as category, and then go through this page at a time)


A nice way of doing this may be to embed a tableau dash in each users's profile page, so that you can see your own ideas, grouped by popularity or grouped by tag, or by date posted etc.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Hi @SeanAdams,


Apologies for not providing an update until now.


You are correct, the only way to view all of your ideas in one place is through Community Search. Here's a quick link you can use to access your ideas & idea comments: SeanAdams Ideas


While your suggestion to embed a tableau dashboard within user profile pages, is compelling, it's not something we have plans to develop at the moment. We will, however, keep the concept in our back pocket, going forward 😉 Thank you for sharing!


In the meantime, for anyone who comes across this post looking for similar functionality, you can follow these steps:


  1. Navigate to the Community Search Page
  2. Select Ideas from the "Type of Post" dropdown menu
  3. Search and Add a Username within the "Author" menu


Hope this helps!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you @LeahK - it may be worth adding this link to a user's profile page, in a way similar to the starred posts box etc.   (


Have a good Sunday
