Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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The community for a solution or existing idea before posting

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By clicking the like in the top left corner of an idea you support

4 Submit

A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

Suggest an idea
Can we add tags to posts so we do a more advanced post search?

The knowledge base site is a great resource for finding help, but it lacks the ability to favorite or bookmark articles for easy access in the future, similar to how community blogs/posts can be saved.



That is all. 🙂


From my perspective, the Text Input tool would benefit from some adjustments.


Allow set the column data type in the tool


Currently, Alteryx tries to identify the data type of a column based on the input. But is "1" a bool, integer, or a string? Of which type is an empty field? Quite often, Alteryx does not select the intended data type. 



Idea: Allow to define the data type in the Text Input tool:



Improve input window for long content


Currently inputting long text to Text Input cells is nearly impossible. Extending the window size is also limited. Please allow horizontal scrolling within a cell and/or line breaks within cells.


Given the security and privacy concerns, we'd like to disallow users from making any workflows "public". I suppose that this should be a global setting that can be tuned on/off to allow/disallow Public workflows in the gallery.



Hello Maveryx Community,


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to save your open source projects directly to the community page, as you would when saving a workflow to a gallery? This way we could upload and download our workflows from the community page, and treat it as a repository/portfolio page with Alteryx specific projects. It could be even tailored so that you can preview it, in a form of a html page without download, to see how the workflow looks, without having to download it. Option to mark projects as private or public would be nice too, to filter out who can and who can't see the given project. What do you think about this idea, not needed, or a cool addition?


Best Regards,

Szymon Czuszek


Hello all,

Sadly our community is against attack by spammers. This causes damages to all, since it pollutes the forum. Maybe having a team of volunteer to clean that mess could be helpful?



Best regards,



Hello all,

I don't think AACP acronym is obvious for everyone... maybe calling the idea section to it  "AACP (Cloud)" would help ?

Best regards,



It would be great to add a way for users to mark questions as solved if another user has posted a valid solution for a topic. I often find myself opening posts to try and help answer their questions only to find that a solution has already been provided but the topic was left unresolved. Maybe some logic can be added to only allow this option if the post is over a month old. That way, the original author still has a chance to mark the question as resolved. Otherwise, active users can help clean up the posts by marking questions as resolved by selecting the provided solution. 


My company has gone through merging event last year and I have two domains account registered in Alteryx. 

I have use the new account domain to register for the Alteryx licenses but my old account domain (current account) for practice and learning including exam. 

Looking for opportunity to merge the two accounts together with new account domain.


Currently there's only the Curator role that can perform admin functions in Gallery. This role is too broad. We would like to have a separate admin role that can only perform user management but nothing else. Likewise, we would like an admin role that can manage workflows/collections, view metrics etc, but cannot do user management (view/add/edit/delete users). Such more fine-grained roles are necessary in IT management where strict separation of duties is a mandate.


A Curator can see all workflows and their general info in the Admin area.  This is fine.  However, a Curator can also paste the app ID of a workflow in his/her regular gallery view and can download the workflow even if the workflow is not shared directly with the Curator. 


For example, a user (regardless of role) access a workflow that's shared with him/her like this:


https://<alteryx server hostname>/gallery/#!app/<workflow name>/<workflowId>


A Curator can paste the workflowId of a workflow that he/she does not have access to in the URL, and access the workflow to download it. We think that this is a security/IP risk as we do not want our Curators (system admins, Support reps) to be able to perform such an action. 


I know I'm not the only one who has noticed this small but annoying bug. Whenever you search for a workflow in the Gallery window, the search results do not appear as expected. For example, if you know that the workflow JMB_WORKFLOW exists in the Gallery and you search, "JMB" it doesn't show up but if you search "WORKFLOW" it shows up as a search result.


There are countless examples of various complexities with this but the short of it is: I can type the exact name of a workflow that exists in the Gallery and the search function/algorithm will not return it as a result. This might be the search algorithm or something else, but as a newer user I was shocked to see that such a simple function was not working in a way that I would consider proper for 2023.


As of now, if a community member has to access the community, there are 2 ways:


1. Log in to the website from Desktop

2. Log in to the website from Mobile


When we are working on Alteryx workflows, it makes sense that accessing from Desktop is the best.


But when we are away from Desktop and having a conversation on a thread, it get's really bad from a user experience perspective that we have to go to browser, login and then access the community.


I think Alteryx should develop iOS and Android App for the community. It will increase the engagement of community members considerably.






I don't think the "Revisit" status is useful. What we want to know is the probability/delay of the idea to be released and "revisit" doesn't offer any information about that.

Best regards,



I love the current feature where users can mark something favorite by clicking the "" button at the bottom of a post, blog, article, etc. and the content will show up in the Favorite Posts carousel on their profile. But the Favorite content seem to be limited to content within the Alteryx Community. I'd like to have the ability to add external links (outside the Alteryx Community) to the Favorites board, kind of like the Featured section on LinkedIn where people can put whatever links they want that showcase their skills or links they frequently use and want to share with others. Not sure if anyone else wants this feature or the amount of work needed in the background so just want to post this idea and get feedback. If anyone knows any way to feature content to the profile please let me know! 😀


Problem: I am seeing that sometimes to solve a single topic, a thread of messages start between the OP and some specific user, and in the end, some OP`s can give 5 to 10 (yes, 10) marked as solved answers for this specific user for just one topic/problem. 


I understand this situation as a problem for 2 reasons:


1-It can harm the Community Hygiene. If users start to crack the game and flood topics just to try to get more marked as solved answer point`s per topic, the topics will start to get messy and confusing.


2-This is unfair from the points perspective. Some users that are trying to give concise and correct answers are and will get far less points than the ones that are possibly cracking the game.



Real example of a topic with 10 marked as solved answers for just one user


Solution:  I undestand that if only 1 marked as solved point was accounted for each user that had the answer selected as a correct answer per topic, the incentive for this behaviour would decrease.




Can a User's Community Identity and their level of certification be added as columns here (see picture)?  My thought is that my company wants Designer users to be Core Certified as a best practice and this would give us a way to monitor that.  









Lets hope that 

Making new groups and working on some tools and learning about that tools and related information by making this will help new joiners and students to improve their skills and knowledge in alteryx software development projects and making it possible to work with alteryx easy and flexible..

Let's make sure to join in the team group and learn more .... Thanks if you are agree with the topic like this or else just live it... 👍 


I noticed recently that the majority of open Community ideas were newly labelled 'Accepting Votes', for instance my idea:


I have to guess that 'accepting votes' is based on the likes on the idea, however this is unclear, and there are numerous statuses that could use clarifying:


For instance, is there a difference between 'Accepted', 'Ongoing' and 'Coming Soon'?

What I suggest is a quick stickied post at the top of the ideas, to explain the ideas section to a new user. What each of the labels are, how to submit an idea, and what to include, with a new idea post. This would display as:

(Positioning could be changed)


Kind Regards,


Hi all

Just a quick suggestion from me regarding the Gallery on Community, it would be great if when adding a tool to the community, we can label them as 'Base A'. Of course, this relies on a level of trust from users to tag their workflows, however, for many users, it can be more reassuring, or useful from a learning perspective to be able to know which tools only contain Alteryx-based tools.


My idea is that this is just an additional label in the uploading of a tool/workflow process, as seen below (spoofed with inspect element):


Kind Regards,