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Alteryx Community Ideas

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May the Fourth...

Oh no:

  • we had a Valentines day badge, and a st Patricks day, and a haloween day, but no "Star wars Day" badge?  This seems to me to be one of the most important days on the calendar
  • we missed Yuri's night on April 12th too :
  • I believe we also missed 10th March, which is both "International awesomeness day" and also Chuck Norris's birthday.   


We have to start thinking for 2018 how we can appropriately make a fuss of these important days. We should ask ourselves "what would Chuck do"?


Don't worry though - we still have time to plan for International CAPS LOCK day, which is held twice per year on June 28th, and Oct 22nd.  THAT IS FANTASTIC YEARLY EVENT (JUST GETTING IN SOME PRACTICE)!



1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Sorry @SeanAdams -- No badge for May the Fourth this year :(


Since this is clearly such an important day, why don't you join the party by replying to this weeks Thursday Thought: May the Fourth (be with you) | Wizard or Jedi?


I'm getting a Jedi vibe from you...