Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Delete reply or post from community

Sometimes we end up posting duplicate replies. There is no way to delete it. The only option is to now remove all the contents and post an empty reply.


It happened to me today:

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @gnans19


Thanks for your suggestion!  I'll let others chime in here on your suggestion but wanted to point out the below.



 You can always send a message to the moderation team to let us know that you have a message you would like to delete.  If you run into this issue again, you are welcome to utilize the report content button which will send us moderators a message that you need assistance.


To report content follow the steps in the screenshot below.  Click '...' next to a post and choose 'report content'




Then fill out a message in the highlighted area (let us know you would like us to delete your post) below and hit 'notify moderator'.   





11 - Bolide

Thanks @JessicaS


But I still think one should have access to delete their own content.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thanks for sharing your concerns with the Community. At this time, we do not have plans to allow users to delete their own posts.


As @JessicaS explains, you can always use the report content option to inform our moderators of duplicate posts or requests for removal.

8 - Asteroid

@LeahK Can we at least have the ability to edit our own comment just like you can on other forums (the post can then be tagged or not as an edited post). Sometimes, you change your mind about how you wrote a post and want to edit it quickly rather than a new comment. I think you should only be able to edit the post if there are no replies from other community members to maintain flow of conversation. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Gopinaath  -- Thanks for the feedback! You actually do have the ability to edit your own post up to 48 hours after you've posted. Beyond that, if it's absolutely necessary to edit instead of commenting/replying with an update, you can use the notify moderator feature to request assistance.


We understand the pain point but the risk involved, from a moderation perspective, in giving all users the ability to edit their posts beyond a certain period, far outweighs the minor inconvenience.


i'd be curious to learn more about these "other forums" you mentioned, who allow unlimited editing of posts?


In the meantime, thank you again for sharing your perspective!


8 - Asteroid

@LeahK I just figured it out. Thank you. I dont think I mentioned anything about unlimited editing. If someone replies to your post, to maintain logical flow of conversation, I agree that users should not be able to edit the original post or comment and should post an update instead.