Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

List of items I want to come back to

Hey there,


Please forgive me if I'm the only one who works like this - but one of my standard processes with the alteryx community is to frequently scan new posts, and then make a note to come back to the ones that either I want to respond to; or spend learning time on etc.


The way I currently do this is to take the URL, and pop it into Google Keep - I have 3 google Keep lists:

- One for Learning

- One for community stuff (general responses)

- one for my immediate priorities (generally stuff that I owe someone a personal response on).


Not sure if anyone else would find this useful, but i'd really value the ability to do this within the alteryx community site itself.  What I'm thinking of is:

a) mark a topic as "Add to list" and then like on the Amazon Wishlist I can select which list

b) I can then print out a digest of the posts that are in a particular list for reading on the train / car / flight etc

c) this list becomes my 3rd notfication list then - currently we have notifications for alerts; personal messages - we can then add this as a 3rd item.


Essentially this could work like youtube "Save for later".


Anyone else find this useful - if so, give it ia star :=_


Happy Wednesday



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

@SeanAdams, apologize for taking so long to update you on this idea. Currently we have a similar option available on the Community. You can actually Bookmark posts by selecting in the Options at the top of the page and then selecting Bookmark. Once Bookmarked the post will show up at the bottom of your Community landing page. You can also manage your Bookmarks through your user settings under the subscriptions and notifications tab.


Thanks as always for your ideas.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you @DanM - appreciate you pointing this out!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: New Idea
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented