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By clicking the like in the top left corner of an idea you support
A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement
Getting to grips with building tools with the SDK can be quite challenging with multiple sources of information from the Github page to the help docs. A single straight forward video tutorial series on the community would be awesome.
It should be possible to 'like' a reply to an idea posted on the community.
Many times users post workarounds, hints, or maybe even full solutions to people's ideas and the ability for the original poster and other community members to like these would be valuable to show appreciation.
Furthermore, I think it would be great to have the ability to mark idea replies as a solution and/or a workaround. I see this is already an idea, so will up-vote @Claje's post here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Community-Ideas/Add-a-way-for-Idea-posts-to-be-quot-Solved-...
For instance, take this example here, where I hope I've posted a good workaround for @MuralidharAreti : https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Ideas/Comment-blocks-Headings-subheadings-warning-...
Are there plans to have a learning path for the advanced certification? The core certification learning path was really helpful and it will be great to have an equivalent for the advanced certification.
Hi @JulieH (et al),
What's the social conversation going on right now about #alteryx (or other followed hashtags)? We can see who's logged into the community, but what about a feed of the greater social universe? Could we integrate a twitter feed into the community?
Along with that, maybe users would want to have instant messaging to the public (contained within the community) as a lighter form of posts.
Just a few related ideas.
It would be great if we could have a feature in the community where I can recommend an article to a friend or colleague from within the site.
If we wanted to make this really fun, you could even reward people who bring new folk into the community - you get credit for every new joiner, only after they graduate beyond a certain user level (e.g. Atom or Meteor), and the credit belongs to the first person who sent them a recommendation?
We already have one of the best communities out there, the question is how do we get better at telling more people about it!
While @SeanAdams is posting pictures of poppy I see him struggling to get the picture orientation right. It would be nice to be able to have minor edits in the picture saving process.
Non English communities lack of a link to the Gallery.
Please add the link.
It would be really great if we could organize our Community friends into groups (ex. local users, personal friends, coworkers) and be able to send private messages to the group instead of one for each individual.
I would like to be notified when somebody posts something new to the gallery. I can't find the button to do that if it already exists.
It could be a nice feature to have a Projects Area, where we can share resources, get feedback in Community Projects. A use case for this could be:
- We (as a Community) agreed to start building an Oauth Macro, beacuse some thought it would be useful. So we can have the "Oauth Macro Project" area to share resources while working on it.
Any thoughts?
I like getting email notifications from the Alteryx Community because I often post solutions in Designer Discussions, and knowing when someone has responded without having to keep the Community open all the time helps me to better answer questions.
However, the Weekly challenges are a flurry of activity, and they continue to be active basically forever. I can unsubscribe individually from each Challenge I complete, but that adds an additional step for every single challenge.
I'd really appreciate being able to specifically turn off notifications, or notifications on replies to a thread, in specific forums, like the Weekly Challenges forum. This would let me better customize my experience.
This is similar to some other requests I've posted in the past relating to badges.
When I look at my profile ( https://community.alteryx.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/4671) I see a series of badges sorted by earned date - so the most recently earned badges are at the top. This is a helpful listing, but as new badges are earned, some really cool ones float off the page. For example, my Core Certification badge moved off recently, and the Advanced Certified is on its way off the page!
I'm wondering if a second row could be added of "favorites", with an option for users to "favorite" some badges that they really like. These may be things like the certifications which speak to a user's qualifications/experience, or something like the "Stars Champion" badge, which only one user has. I think allowing a curated list like this could add a lot of value to user profiles, and add a sense of customization/personalization, increasing engagement.
So - there's a well known principle in psychology that people behave differently when they are asked "do you like A" "do you like B" - vs. when you say "if you can only have one - which will you pick".
This is an important principle for Agile Product Owners because asking your users "do you support this feature" will essentially provide a popularity score - but tells you nothing about which are the most important features to your user base. Where saying to users "Pick your top 5 from this list, in order" - will give you a VERY different result because now people need to think "Sure I'd like this feature, but if I had to pick, it's not on my top 5". TLDR: the best way to gauge importance (vs popularity) is asking users to force-rank with constraints.
So the idea is to provide Alteryx users on the Maveryx community the ability to select their top 5 features / ideas that they would like to see. This can be done programmatically in a very easy way by looking at the ideas that get more than X votes, and then adding them to the list.
The real benefit of this is that the Product Managers at Alteryx get a very clear sense of the most useful / important features - and perhaps more importantly the Maveryx will say "I made that happen" which creates a real sense of ownership & stickiness in the product among the userbase.
Thanks to @gautiergodard for showing me the SparkED Job Board!
I was actually curious about Alteryx freelance roles in general and what practices are in place for people hiring in terms of data security. That prompted me to post on the General forum here.
I was then led to the SparkED Job Board by Gautier, and I will be honest, it was somewhat difficult for me to find the Job Board through self navigation. Once I found it, I am quite disappointed that the Job Board is not very active nor user friendly to both job posters and hunters.
It is difficult to find Alteryx specific roles, and it is sometimes also difficult to hire for Alteryx specific persons (one problem I am facing at the moment).
But then it dawned on me. Alteryx is partnered with many companies - some as vendors selling + using Alteryx for their own clients, and some with direct clients. Surely they must be needing some talent - and with Alteryx having a worldwide reach, surely many partners would be interested in utilizing this free source.
My Ideas
I think it will be useful to split my idea into a few sections so that it can be seen more holistically.
#1 Change the Name, Function & Location of the Job Board
Right now, the SparkED Job Board's path is through Community -> Learn -> SparkED Education -> Job Board.
Based on some of the postings there, it seems that the need of people posting tends to sway more to hiring people with some years of experience with Alteryx + general Data Engineering and Data Science skills. It would be more beneficial to put it under its own category in the tabs above like so:
Doing so makes it more prominent, easier to find, and could bring more clicks in.
#2 Change UI/UX of Job Board
The current Job Board looks like this:
Some tweaks to make it more Job post-and-search friendly would be:
#3 Posting Rights
Just as how we post Blog articles on Alteryx, it can be moderated by the Alteryx team.
For example, companies do not necessarily have to create an account on the Alteryx community to post. They can reach out to a community member responsible for this page, and they can provide all the necessary details required to post a job.
The Alteryx team can decide the level of moderation which they wish to apply, and then check it off with the Job Poster to continue.
#4 Split Job Board into Job Posters and Job Hunters
Of course, it will be helpful if people could post their profiles indicating that they are looking out. This will be slightly different for job posters, but can still be moderated by the Alteryx team. In addition, it would be helpful to have the following features:
Outreach by Alteryx
As mentioned, Alteryx has many partners worldwide and I can only see the partnerships increasing as the days go by. I am sure that the companies Alteryx work with are interested in getting more talent.
This can be part of the overall package which Alteryx sells. Not just the software that changes lives, but it also comes with a Community that is helpful AND can find you talent to make those transformations a faster reality!
The community is buzzing with ACEs, top contributors, etc. It will be great to have this feature as well - another golden point for Alteryx.
Thank you for reading and considering this idea. I hope this idea is taken up by the Alteryx Community and team - I am a firm believer in this as it can help even more people and makes Alteryx a skill more worthwhile knowing in 2023 and beyond.
Currently there are a couple of banners on the Alteryx Community with information for users:
However, even if i dismiss/click the cross on both of these, they reappear if i navigate to another area of the community. It would be nice to remember that the user has dismissed them, and have them not pop up again. Otherwise, it may be worth removing the 'x', however i would prefer the former.
It would be nice if we could present the Community Private Messages board into a in more conversation style layout (something like Outlook or Gmail).
Currently, Received and Sent messages are stand-alone pages, and it gets difficult to refer back to a previous message in a given thread without opening them in a new browser tab.
It would be very convenient if there was a button on posts (for the post author only) that would allow the author to auto re-post the question as a suggestion/feature request if it has gone unanswered for (2? 3?) days.
Probably not just a single click and done, but at least take the content and open a draft in the feature suggestion section.
With the growing popularity of Alteryx challenges, the new topics gets lots of "noise" as challenge posts are made. Could we either filter these messages to their own tab (for those interested in the real-time updates of challenge solution posts) or just remove them from notifications? When you're logged-in to the community, you get lots of these messages.
It would be really nice to be able to sort Discussion Forum posts by the 4 stats that you give for each -- Unread, Replies, Stars, Views