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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Voice of the community - product idea ranking

So - there's a well known principle in psychology that people behave differently when they are asked "do you like A" "do you like B" - vs. when you say "if you can only have one - which will you pick".   


This is an important principle for Agile Product Owners because asking your users "do you support this feature" will essentially provide a popularity score - but tells you nothing about which are the most important features to your user base. Where saying to users "Pick your top 5 from this list, in order" - will give you a VERY different result because now people need to think "Sure I'd like this feature, but if I had to pick, it's not on my top 5".     TLDR: the best way to gauge importance (vs popularity) is asking users to force-rank with constraints.


So the idea is to provide Alteryx users on the Maveryx community the ability to select their top 5 features / ideas that they would like to see.    This can be done programmatically in a very easy way by looking at the ideas that get more than X votes, and then adding them to the list.     


The real benefit of this is that the Product Managers at Alteryx get a very clear sense of the most useful / important features - and perhaps more importantly the Maveryx will say "I made that happen" which creates a real sense of ownership & stickiness in the product among the userbase.


cc: @NicoleJohnson @NicoleJ @JarrodT @SteveA @mbaerend 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Enthusiastically seconded. 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@SeanAdams ,


 can you please amend this idea to include other features so that I can better respond?





Status changed to: Revisit

This is an interesting idea, the idea boards are not in the state that the team would need them to be in to make this change. The team is currently working to update these pages, and making a substantial changes such as this would not be beneficial at this time. We are working on several large processes to improve the feedback loop of ideas, and adding this could complicate those processes while they are in their infancy. We would love to revisit this once the Idea board has been updated.