Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Unsolved Questions - Add to Ideas Button

It would be very convenient if there was a button on posts (for the post author only) that would allow the author to auto re-post the question as a suggestion/feature request if it has gone unanswered for (2? 3?) days.

Probably not just a single click and done, but at least take the content and open a draft in the feature suggestion section.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

That may help to keep open questions alive, and the only thing we'd need to figure out is now to avoid the original request then sitting out there forever (I.e. we would go from having 1 open item, to having 2 open items that are identical).


One way to get around this is for people to just reply to an aged but still open thread saying "any ideas?" and it will bubble back to the top again?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

@SeanAdams and @patrick_mcauliffe thanks for the suggestions. We recently have added functionality for our Support team to jump in on posts that have not been answered by the Community. This eliminates the use of this feature as we are making a lot of efforts to make sure that posts have some sort of response from either Community or Support. The other reason why we would not implement this feature is there are quite a few posts that do get escalated to Support and are not Idea related. If our Support team feels that their post is worthy of an Idea, the team makes a suggestion on the post to have the user add to the appropriate Ideas page with as much details as possible.