Alteryx Server Ideas

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iSeries In-DB SQL Statement

When using In-DB with iSeries over Generic ODBC everything works fine in Designer however when executing via Gallery process fails because a semi-colon ";" is added to the SQL statement as a terminator character and iSeries rejects this SQL0104 - Token ; was not valid. Valid Values < END OF STATEMENT > 

6 - Meteoroid

We have raised this as an error with support and they have directed us to suggest this as an idea as the iSeries is not officially supported for In-DB connection.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


We appreciate the feedback provided on how we could better improve our product. Since it looks like this is your first idea posted, I would recommend checking out our Submission Guidelines as it goes over the idea process in a bit greater detail.

7 - Meteor

This is also an issue with the pre/post SQL options in the standard Output tool. Alteryx adds an ";" character to the end of the statement and this causes the iSeries command to fail. Please can you look at this because it appears to be a product issue.

I believe the same issue has already been raised here too:




7 - Meteor

Is there any progress in fixing this bug please?