Alteryx Server Ideas

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View the Workflow Results for an On-Demand Workflow

Currently you can only view the workflow results / history for other users workflows that are scheduled and the schedule is shared in the collection.


A lot of our workflows are set up to run on-demand, some as analytical apps and some as standard workflows. 


The first point of reference when a user experiences an issue should be to view the workflow results, but currently this is not possible and just gives an error "Access Denied" even when the tick box is selected within Workflow settings.


My suggestion is that you should be able to see the workflow results of any workflow that is shared with you (regardless of whether it is scheduled or run on-demand) as this would make fault finding and user support much easier.




1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @robwalks, thank you for your feedback and idea! We’re currently working diligently to ensure all product ideas are reviewed and commented on by Alteryx when the necessary criteria are met. If you haven’t yet, check out our Submission Guidelines which go over the idea boards in a bit greater detail.