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Shared DCM infra across Dev; UAT; Pre-Prod; Prod servers

Hi all,


In an enterprise environment - DB connections need to be set up from the server and pushed down to your users; and they need to be managed across the various servers in your software lifecycle.


In other words - you may have a sandpit / dev server env; a UAT env; a pre-prod; and a prod env - and each of these need to have the same DCM credential IDs so that users can access these.     

(before you say "you can do this from the desktop) - that is true, however that's not a workable solution in an enterprise env because that means that users can change the password from their desktop into a prod env which is a breach of IT General Controls)


The solution here is to break DCM out in to a separate service - where

- all your servers (dev; UAT; Pre-Prod; Prod) can all point to one instance of DCM

- users can maintain their own connections and credentials

        - Each needs to have up to 2 owners so that you can deal with people moving jobs / leaving the firm

- users can also entitle these connections and credentials to their team members so that when the team member logs in, it shows a popup saying "you've just been given access to new credentials / connections"

- A particular connection may have multiple different variants - depending on the environment.

        - HR Data may point to a UAT version of HR data if you're on the UAT server; and to Prod if you're on the Prod server

        - if a connection is environment specific - then it also needs to have segregated credentials (since the login to your UAT HR Data may not be the same as prod).


Thank you all



cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 



9 - Comet

Hi - 


This piece is critically important to me:


users can also entitle these connections and credentials to their team members so that when the team member logs in, it shows a popup saying "you've just been given access to new credentials / connections"


We're battling with this now - multiple developers creating ETL workflows of Finance data to Anaplan, which requires a password change every 90 days.  While Alteryx released DCM-compatible Anaplan connectors in May, I've come to learn that DCM is user-specific for dev purposes (I understand that the DCM object can be shared so other can run a workflow, but that doesn't really help in our case).  Every time the password changes, we still need to have each user update their DCM object.  Better than the initial release of the connectors which were NOT DCM compliant and required us to manually update many,many connectors manually, but still not ideal.


As our needs evolve, I'm sure the other enhancements noted above will be valuable, but sharing credentials for building workflows is what we need the most.




P.S. Alteryx support showed us how to setup server-based connections, but that seems very limited, i.e. SQL server, Oracle, "Other".

9 - Comet

Hi -


It looks like connection sharing is now available in 2023.2:  Data Connection Manager: Server UI (


I have not yet had a chance to use this functionality, but wanted to post it here as I just learned about it.

