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Schedule Gallery App with ability to insert values in Interface tools

Along with setting a schedule for an app in the gallery, the user should also be able to set the different interface values for each schedule he/she makes.


My main use case is regarding having generic templates for ETL processes, that have multiple different types of runs based on configuration values, but I'm sure there are plenty others.




11 - Bolide

Very much wanting this!


Also, It is annoying that we can't give a star to an "accepted" idea. It is also misleading that it says "can't give kudos to a completed message," since this is not "completed," it is just accepted.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thanks everyone for their input on the idea. We are working hard to create features that will make this idea come to light. We are getting closer to a feature, so know that we haven't forgotten and that we are working diligently to bring you something you will love. As soon as we get closer we will update the status of the idea. Thanks for your patience.

7 - Meteor

For me, this a major downside on the product.

We all seem to have apps with inputs/parameters that change according to different runs, and we should at least run them in different schedules, different parameters values or even, perhaps, assign a different name to each parameterized workflow (which are basically only one).

I build my enhanced workflow as an analytical app and now I can't input into it on schedule? So, how can we pass arguments to an workflow? All the workarounds seem to point to text input, and batch macros... Which I did, but for nothing it seems...

This is really, really frustrating for those of us we dealt with different Data Integration tools.

8 - Asteroid

Has there been any progress on this? Would love to be able to use this.

7 - Meteor

I would love this feature, it will solve a lot of problems and increase the overall quality of the software in my opinion!

9 - Comet

Any update @JulieM @DanM ?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hello All, 


Good news, we have made progress on this! We are working on a plan to allow scheduling of analytic apps with pre-set input values. With this feature you'll be able the schedule one analytic app multiple times for each input value combination you need. Stay tuned in 2024 for more updates!




Status changed to: Implemented
10 - Fireball

So how is this implemented.. I have 2024.2 and I don't see this functionality yet.


@levell_x_dunn This was initially implemented via API, with the intent of adding the UI for 25.1. You can see more information here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Engine-Works/New-Server-Features-You-Asked-For-Built-with-Customer-...