Alteryx Server Ideas

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MongoDB: Kerberos & Keytab Auth

We are hoping to move to Mongo Enterprise as the backend for our Alteryx server, however we may not be able to given that Alteryx does not currently support Kerberos & Keytab authentication.    


Please could you add this to the server so that larger clients with Enterprise Mongo can scale upwards?


cc: @avinashbonu @DamianA @BenBu @Deeksha

5 - Atom

This is critical for us. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Our product team is excited to say this should be in an upcoming release! We'll update this idea again once that release is available for download.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Ongoing

Still researching, but not prioritized for the near-term.

7 - Meteor

Agree to same point and please consider my vote for it.