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Mongo Database Dictionary

Could the community receive a comprehensive data dictionary of all the collections in Mongo with:

- Description of each collection

- Description of each attribute (or field) within each collection

- Documentation of joins between the collections


A great example can be seen in how Tableau documents their postgresSQL tables:


This would be extremely helpful as we are determining which collections we need to store, how to construct queries and how to build analytics on our assets. 


Thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Ongoing

@jmac  Thank you for positing this idea. We have received this request via a number of channels and agree that this documentation can be valuable to users such as yourself. We do have a limited schema document currently available (link below). This documentation is dated and hasn't been maintained. It also only covers a relatively small portion of the schema that was deemed useful for reporting purposes.


I am undertaking an initiative to update and extend this documentation to cover the a much more extensive portion of the schema (possibly the entire schema). This will be an ongoing effort and I don't have a target time frame for it to be available. Once the documentation is complete we are planning to publish it along with the rest of the server help documentation. I will also be working with the team to ensure this document is updated as appropriate with each release going forward.


Mongo Schema Documentation

8 - Asteroid

I second this!  It would be very helpful for server administrators to track usage and compliance.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

@jmac and @mse139  We have officially released this documentation. You can find it in the online help or directly via the following links:

2019.4 MongoDB Schema Reference -
2020.1 MongoDB Schema Reference -

8 - Asteroid

@KevinP - I'm looking at the 2020.1 dictionary and the Gallery section appears empty.  Is there an issue?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@mse139 Thanks for letting us know. The team that manages the help content is looking into it and it should be fixed shortly. In the mean time you can reference the 2020.2 documentation. There are only a few difference from 2020.1

8 - Asteroid

@KevinP - Thanks!