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Enable LDAP on ALteryx Sever

Allow LDAP COnfiguration on Alteryx Server ,Right now its only AD ,but LDAP will be for for SSO ,SAML . 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @joeGade , this is on our roadmap and something we hope to deliver in an upcoming release. We have a few other customers that would also love to see LDAP and SSO support for Server. Given there is always a chance for changing priorities, please do feel free to message me periodically to see where this feature is at in terms of getting into a release. Please keep the great ideas coming and we also welcome any feedback. Thanks!

10 - Fireball

THanks for The Info. Is there any Road map for getting the LDAP Tool into Alteryx designers , LDAP tool that can Query our Corporate LDAP .? 

7 - Meteor

It would be great to have LDAP connector added in Alteryx designer and server.  Having said that, is there any beta software available for us to play with it? hoping that this functionality will soon be adapted within Alteryx designer and server. 

13 - Pulsar

+1  any updates on this? this really becomes a tie breaker for server decision makers

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


We implemented SSO and SAML in the 2018.2 release. LDAP is not technically implemented for any authentication capabilities.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your feedback!


I'm updating this idea to Not Planned as, while SSO and SAML have both been included to the Alteryx Server as authentication methods, we do not have any plans to include LDAP at this time. Should this change and we be able to add LDAP to the roadmap we'll update this idea accordingly.