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Allow Transfer of Owner from one Workflow to Another by an Admin

I am noticing what I think it's a big gap in terms of turnover and job changes.  Even though you can add workflows to a Collection for development and update purposes. Only the original owner/publisher can see the version history for a workflow. At least that appears to be the case in 2020.1


Is there any discussion for the road map to include a way to transfer the ownership of a workflow from one user to another? this would alleviate the need to publish a brand new version and then reset all the scheduling. 

14 - Magnetar

This is a must have feature. Please consider including it on the dev roadmap. 

5 - Atom

Yes please please please!






8 - Asteroid

Reading the swagger for v3 api it appears you can update the owner of a workflow.   Alteryx, is this true and would you be interested in developing a workflow to do this (WF input... old user, new user, wf id (optional).   And, since the API now exists, how long until we have an Editable owner field on the workflow in the Admin screen?  Thanks!


BTW, there is a macroset somewhere for the new v3 api


PUT /v3/workflows/{workflowId}  (owner is one of the inputs)



11 - Bolide

API is nice but I'd prefer this to be on the admin pages. To put it bluntly, my company has spent a lot of money on this product, having to spend more money to develop an in-house solution that could've been easily rolled into the product is unacceptable and just plain asinine.

8 - Asteroid

@TheCoffeeDude  Agree 100%... We feel the same way!  

11 - Bolide

The inability to transfer workflows to a new owner isn't helping during the "great resignation." One user with 43 workflows just quit and besides losing history (and the ability to audit changes), I've had to download each of his workflows, edit credentials, and republish them. But because the history has to be maintained, his workflows will live on until they can be archived.


This went from a sore spot to outright anger that this hasn't been implemented.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Ok, so I was able to transfer ownership using the API...but then workflows still belong to the old user's studio and can't be run if the new owner is not in that studio.


Could we please implement something to move workflows from one studio to another??

8 - Asteroid

@Thableaus  - I'm not sure what the purpose of the transfer ownership API is then???  I guess my expectation without actually using it was that it transferred studios.  This is frustrating as I thought I was an upgrade away from having this issue resolved.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @stvnhdmpa the only way I made it work was using the API to transfer ownership + doing this in this article


Which obviously is a lot of work, requires manual intervention, and it's something that could easily go wrong since you have to manually copy a Private Studio Key from a user to the other...I thought there was a way to change the Private Key using the APIs, but it seems there's not.


@JohnPelletier are you aware of this API limitation? Is there something on the roadmap, or are we just going to continue wait for studios to move away (sorry, but I've been seeing this "promise" since version 2020.4).

11 - Bolide

I personally haven't been able to test the API (yet). But after reading this, wow! So close and yet, it falls remarkably short. I don't even know what to say except that my expectations were high and reality proved to be something else.


I've thought about this some more and I think all we have to do is change the subscriptionID in AlteryxGallery.appInfos. That's the only reference I can find that links an application to a studio.