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Allow Gallery Admin to download workflow for troubleshooting

It is more convenience that allowing gallery admin to download any workflow from the gallery for trobleshooting.

For example, if the workflow is long running , the gallery admin can download the workflow and then drill down to it to find out the root cause. Sometimes, it maybe workflow design related issue.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @Samuel_To,


Thanks for the idea! This is currently possible using our REST API. For an example, please see the interactive API documentation here -> api-docs .  For your Gallery, log in as Curator and navigate to Settings->Keys to find the Admin API key and secret. The APIs will allow you to download a list of all workflows in the Gallery. You can then use the workflow ID with another API call to download the workflow as a package.

10 - Fireball

 It is more convenience if allowing Admin to open this page of all workflow in the gallery UI.


10 - Fireball

Hi @MattB, thanks for the info but this isn't really a solution as it requires multiple custom steps and doesn't "just work".  Is there an app available on the Gallery that we can download?  @Samuel_To's suggestion is what I (and many others) would consider to be the best solution as it doesn't require that we hunt and peck around creating our own custom process.


If you'd like to discuss, happy to do so. 

10 - Fireball

I would consider this not implemented until the GUI supports it. I'm not going to mess around with an API to download one workflow.

10 - Fireball

Months later I find myself search for how to download a workflow again... Alteryx needs to listen to it's customers more. Help us please!

8 - Asteroid

If you are a curator, you can always temporarily add yourself to the subscription of the user and then open the workflow that way.