Alteryx Server Ideas

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Administrators In Gallery Should Be Able To View All Previous Runs

Hey Alteryx Dev Gurus - 


I've got a situation wherein the user runs something in Gallery, and complains.  I have to log in as that user to view the output files that came back out.  As a super user, I should be able to have all seeing ability!  Thanks!




14 - Magnetar

If you have Alteryx designer, you can connect to the server Controller via Options->View Schedules and see all results from all users.

This should help as a workaround in the interim.

I agree this feature is needed within Gallery proper, and have starred your idea.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your idea and feedback!


Our product team has reviewed this idea and determined we're unable to include this idea onto the road map at this time. However should we return to this idea in the future, we'll be sure to update the status accordingly.