Alteryx Server Ideas

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Add AD Groups to Data Connections

Right now, if you are using Windows Authentication, you can map AD group and users on the Permissions and Collections tab.  But for some reason, you can't use AD groups on the Data Connections tab.  Most of our databases are already secured by in-house AD groups in which you have to be a member in order to access that database.  Instead of managing a 2nd, most likely duplicate, list of users in the Data Connections tab I would like to be able to map the pre-existing AD group to that data connection.  That also means I don't have to service access requests.  If someone wants access to a database, they talk to the database owners, get added to the group and then they automatically can pull that data into Alteryx.

7 - Meteor

We need this as well. Managing permissions via AD groups makes this easier. Alteryx team, do you when this capability will be released?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for your feedback on this topic. We're working on simplifying and improving on permissioning and user management. As part of that process, we are looking at how asset sharing, such as data connection management, will interplay with user management. There is no timeline currently, but we are actively looking into this.




5 - Atom

Hard to believe Alteryx did not have this important function already built in.  Currently we have dozens of database connection and hundreds of users which I have to share each DB connection with each user manually.  I would even settle for a command line script but even that is not available.  

8 - Asteroid

Looks like this has been submitted 20 months ago! Any updates on the progress? This is certainly a big miss on the access management. We are also planning on using lot of connections and hundreds of users to start off.

7 - Meteor

Just checking to see if this is released in any of the newer versions?

6 - Meteoroid

I just brought this up with my TAM, I think this would be very helpful, hoping to push this further.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@DCPDamon @AJF27 @deepakreddy @yuriy @KGhorbani for what it's worth, you can create a custom group (under the users tab as an admin), add your AD group as a member of that custom group, and then add that custom group to the data connection. That seemed to work when we tested it out! We're on version 21.4.

6 - Meteoroid

@patrick_digan I agree that's a good way to go about it, however still adds another layer that needs to be managed by admins, instead of just directly at the data connector level. Still hoping we still get this feature in a future release.

8 - Asteroid

Agree with @AJF27, it is great that we currently have that workaround with custom groups, and it did make it easier, but the cleaner way would be to be able to map AD groups directly to connections. The same applies to Credentials

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I agree that having it built into the product without having to create custom groups would be better. Hopefully it can get added into a future release!