The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

1 Review

Our submission guidelines & status definitions before getting started

2 Search

The community for a solution or existing idea before posting

3 Vote

By clicking the like in the top left corner of an idea you support

4 Submit

A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

Suggest an idea

Hey wanted to see what people's interest would be for a certification around the intelligence suite?


My company has gone through merging event last year and I have two domains account registered in Alteryx. 

I have use the new account domain to register for the Alteryx licenses but my old account domain (current account) for practice and learning including exam. 

Looking for opportunity to merge the two accounts together with new account domain.

I've posted here on the General sub:


First off, I would like to thank @simonaubert_bd for his fantastic workflow. He has put together a workflow that scrapes through the Alteryx community profile to gather all the badges one has acquired. 


I've added on to his version by picking out the User ID and User Rank as well for a full view. 


It would be great if this could be packaged into the Alteryx workflow as part of the Alteryx Designer app so that users everywhere can benefit from this. 


The benefits are most profound when you want:

  1. A way to measure your team's Alteryx progress via the Community
  2. Marking it as part of a KPI as part of performance reviews or to serve as justification to maintain license

Of course, there are many more reasons and I am sure that the community will improve on the workflow further to include other items as well. 


A time-series component of when the badges were earned or even user activeness in postings, comments, likes, etc. can also be measured. 


There's a thousand ways to take this, and I think it is worth sharing with the community as an idea!


Thanks all!



Hi all!

This idea stems from my team's need to have Alteryx materials on hand. We have a repository internally built to store all Alteryx related presentations and materials, but it would be great to have it available to Community members if it comes directly from Alteryx.


For example:

  1. Presentation slide templates with high production value curated by Alteryx can be shared to Alteryx teams to showcase results, workflows, value engineering, and so much more! It should also cover common topics like how Alteryx and IT Security go along, the requirements to run Alteryx, what is needed to use Alteryx etc. This helps teams get passed the hurdle of actually introducing Alteryx to their companies too. 
  2. It will also be good to have slides or PDFs that explain roadmaps, best practices, and a sample doc which all teams can use as a base for their governance or just for references. 
  3. Alteryx image assets (as long as it used strictly for Alteryx purposes / demo and not outside commercial purposes) will be great too! Adds flair to what we do in our documentation. This discussion is pertinent! 

Screenshot 2023-07-04 085658.png


I am M&A Analytics Leader, managing a team of analytics professionals in India.


I am always interested in hiring the best analytics professionals, with skill set in Alteryx and M&A.


I think if Alteryx starts a Job Board, where prospective hiring managers can post relevant jobs, this will be really appreciated by our community.


LinkedIn saw big engagement spike once they integrated Job Board into their website. I think Alteryx community can also take benefit in a similar way.


As of now, we do have job board in SparkED section. But I am asking for a separate section altogether - something on the face of the community - just like LinkedIn.





As of now, if a community member has to access the community, there are 2 ways:


1. Log in to the website from Desktop

2. Log in to the website from Mobile


When we are working on Alteryx workflows, it makes sense that accessing from Desktop is the best.


But when we are away from Desktop and having a conversation on a thread, it get's really bad from a user experience perspective that we have to go to browser, login and then access the community.


I think Alteryx should develop iOS and Android App for the community. It will increase the engagement of community members considerably.





A little recognition for the users who have the most contributed to implemented ideas. We can imagine a badge for 1, 5,.... 1000 ideas implemented on the model of likes/ solved, etc.



Best regards,


I'd like to suggest adding a feature to automatically @ tag/mention the person you are replying to. I've seen sometimes users (especially those new to Community) forget to @ the person they are replying to, assuming by clicking reply the other person will get a Notification, but that's not the case. I think this feature will make a difference so people don't have to turn on "Email me when someone replies" or subscribe to the post to get notified of every single reply.


I love the current feature where users can mark something favorite by clicking the "" button at the bottom of a post, blog, article, etc. and the content will show up in the Favorite Posts carousel on their profile. But the Favorite content seem to be limited to content within the Alteryx Community. I'd like to have the ability to add external links (outside the Alteryx Community) to the Favorites board, kind of like the Featured section on LinkedIn where people can put whatever links they want that showcase their skills or links they frequently use and want to share with others. Not sure if anyone else wants this feature or the amount of work needed in the background so just want to post this idea and get feedback. If anyone knows any way to feature content to the profile please let me know! 😀

I'd like to suggest an ability to post kudos to Alteryx employees who help customers.  Let's turn positive feedback into swag or other benefits to those folks who go their extra mile for us.  





Problem: I am seeing that sometimes to solve a single topic, a thread of messages start between the OP and some specific user, and in the end, some OP`s can give 5 to 10 (yes, 10) marked as solved answers for this specific user for just one topic/problem. 


I understand this situation as a problem for 2 reasons:


1-It can harm the Community Hygiene. If users start to crack the game and flood topics just to try to get more marked as solved answer point`s per topic, the topics will start to get messy and confusing.


2-This is unfair from the points perspective. Some users that are trying to give concise and correct answers are and will get far less points than the ones that are possibly cracking the game.



Real example of a topic with 10 marked as solved answers for just one user


Solution:  I undestand that if only 1 marked as solved point was accounted for each user that had the answer selected as a correct answer per topic, the incentive for this behaviour would decrease.



Lets hope that 

Making new groups and working on some tools and learning about that tools and related information by making this will help new joiners and students to improve their skills and knowledge in alteryx software development projects and making it possible to work with alteryx easy and flexible..

Let's make sure to join in the team group and learn more .... Thanks if you are agree with the topic like this or else just live it... 👍 


Hey everyone,


When we have an event coming up, you can confirm your attendance, which is very useful in my opinion. The issue with the "no" and "maybe" buttons is that I don't see the point in having them.


To be honest, I believe that using these options can leave a negative impression on others. The ideal, in my opinion, is to keep only the "Yes" button.

It would be nice if the answers marked as solved were highlighted a little better. Currently, there is a little checkbox next to the start of the answer which can be hard to see when scrolling a longer list of answers. It would be nice if the answer was promoted to the top and also highlighted all in green (or at least a border.) that way it will be apparent when browsing through the chatter. 


I'm completing sections of the Alteryx Academy and see the 100% progress bar, but it would be great to have a link where we can see and download all our completed courses in a transcript form. We could provide it to our leadership as a way for them to measure growth in our skills, or bring it to interviews along with our resumes, etc.


Hi there community team,


We've discussed this before but I wanted to re-raise this for consideration.


The Alteryx Community is super important to the alteryx platform and it is a big part of why people love and buy Alteryx.

The question is how we make this more available and convenient for people to use and be a part of.


Part of the solution seems to be offering the mobile experience - the underlying technology for (khoros) does have a mobile app - and it seems that by making community available in more places and in more ways it will allow more folk to contribute.


Is this something that we can consider for this year?


thank you


Currently when you add an event to your calendar, the invite includes a link back to the events page. This does get you to what you'll need, but would it be possible to include the link to join the event directly in that calendar invite? Maybe this is a phase two thing but it seems like it would be nice to join from my calendar instead of my calendar taking me to a webpage then joining from there.


The interactive trainings are constantly down, you could put all these on youtube, and then they have the capability to better manage the same. We would watch the short 5-6 min videos on  youtube and then do the questionnaire in the alteryx website.


It is very demotivating, that the trainings are down (starts and then freezes or audio is lost). MAybe it would be worth investing a little more  into the server capacity or if you cannot afford, lets go to youtube.



Hi @WillM and Community-Team,


today I went to the ideas section and wanted to look if someone already posted tool improvements for the 'Test'-Tool. Therefore I used the Search and tried to narrow the results like this:




While the first look is promising, most of the posts do not talk about the Test-Tool itself, but other tools/improvements.


Would it be possible to add another label "Tools" to actually select the exact tool(s) that we are referencing in the posts? This would also be an amazing feature for developers / product managers to see which tools get the most ideas, summed up likes, etc.


I'd be willing to help categorize all 3000-4000 ideas that we currently have in the Designer Ideas section to get all old ideas categorized appropriately*. For all new posts, the community manager that checks / comments the idea, should check if the users added this himself or if not, add it. If this is too much work, I'd also be willing to help categorize new ideas on a weekly basis. 


*Other ACEs might as well help categorize, but if not, I don't mind spending a weekend to get this right.


Note: It has too be a label, that allows to select 0-n tools, because not all posts talk about tool improvements, but others talk about multiple. Because of the zero possibility, this has to be a non-mandatory field.





I write blog posts in the french community and once they are posted I can't edit them. Maybe this is the same for all communities.


It would be useful for the author to be able to edit blog posts after it has been posted.


The same goes for Knowledge base articles.

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