Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Kaggle competitions are widely known in academia but not so much in the industry, at least in MENA region...


Mostly college grads, ML practicioners and analytics consultants are attending who frequently code... Instead Community can provide

  1. kaggle tutorials completed on Altery,students and new users can get a grasp of advanced analytics easily...
  2. solutions to old and recent challenges to be solved solely on Alteryx workflows...


To name a few tutorials;


Some recent interesting competitions are;


It may even be a nicer idea if someone publishes a top %1 solution in competitions using Alteryx,

discounts to inspire events or personal licenses may be provided or automatically becoming an ACE for 6 months/a year etc.



Would love to be able to get a history of events on the community for analysis.


While possible using web shredding would be nice to have 'official' data source :)


I was posting a question today about sorting, but didn't see a label for sort, sorting, or a question label. Not sure what the qualifications are for making the label list, but I suggest that "Question" and "Sort" be added.

if I post a useful article in the community I'd like the ability to mark it as such, rather than as a question. At the moment I get emails prompting me to accept a solution - when there isn't a solution required. Marking a topic as "information only" or similar would solve this.


It could be a nice feature to have a Projects Area, where we can share resources, get feedback in Community Projects. A use case for this could be:


- We (as a Community) agreed to start building an Oauth Macro, beacuse some thought it would be useful. So we can have the "Oauth Macro Project" area to share resources while working on it.


Any thoughts? 



there should be an option to display a newsfeed that can be customized by the user. Notifications could be color-coded to correspond with its "parent" category (e.g., Discussions, Knowledge, Ideas, Blogs, etc.). The feed should be as flexible/customizable as possible (e.g., mute discussion, reply flag, pinning, etc.). It'd also be great if users had the ability to drag-n-drop items they want added to their feed.

In navigating the site, I've slowly become aware of the sidebar boxes and their content.


It was only today that I realized that those boxes contain content that is only relevant in the context of the current area (e.g. discussions, ides, blogs, etc.). For example, in the image below the New Solutions and Top Starred Posts only reflect the content in the Closed Beta Feedback.


Suggestion: I think it would be helpful to signify to the user either by color or by text that the sidebox content is area specific. This would also serve to orient the user as to their current top level content area (discussion, ideas, blogs, etc). 


As is, the only way I know 'where I am' is to look at the top in the COMMUNITY > AREA 51 - TEST & FEEDBACK > CLOSED BETA FEEDBACK text line.



Can we add tags to posts so we do a more advanced post search?