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retry job on failure

If a job fails it would be perfect if we could set something in the workflow settings so that the job would retry again in X number of minutes for the next Y number of times. We have jobs that connect to external resources and sometimes the network will reset and will cause the connections to all drop. An example would be I want a workflow to try again in 10 minutes for a maximum of 5 times so over the next 50 mins it will retry every 10 mins if it fails

11 - Bolide

+ 1


This functionality is available in tools like Jenkins (Period Reincarnation) and is extremely useful for working around intermittent network and external system temporary issues. 

8 - Asteroid

+ 5 if I can! 


We always look for file availability, data from external sources (AWS, SFTP, API, etc.) Certain times the connection is lost and/or file/data is not available at the scheduled time. If this case the workflow will fail and we need to retry after a given time till the job is successful. Or if it fails after a given number of attempts, it would be good have the ability to 'escalate' the issue to the support team.   

8 - Asteroid

Hey @jineshnp31,

since this isn't currently available in Alteryx today. We've been working on putting together some orchestration tools that will help to manage larger jobs. we used Airflow to help manage some of our jobs that have higher tendencies to fail because of missing dependencies etc. While Airflow might not be the right option for you, it is something to look into.


In the mean time, feel free to share this around and lets see if we can get some traction on it!

5 - Atom

I would also like to add some traction to this idea! We are using Alteryx to tie many sources of data together, and if just one of them fails it nullifies the entire workflow. Several of those sources are Excel workbooks which lead to failure should anyone else be using the book (And yes we run after hours but people access these sheets remotely from all time zones. @Jineshnp31 had an excellent idea as well about an email after several failures. 


I know the functionality exists to email on the initial failure of the job, but after a few would be excellent in addition to this "retry on failure" tool. . 

8 - Asteroid

Ditto.  And sometimes it's not just connections.  Often, an input or output file may be in use by another process thus blocking access by Alteryx.  An option to retry X times would make locked files (and dropped connections) non-issues.  --Dean

7 - Meteor


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


Our product team is currently reviewing the technical requirements and time required to potentially implement this idea. Once we have completed this review we'll be sure to update this idea accordingly!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your feedback!


Our product team has completed the review of this idea and determined at this point we're unable to include this functionality into the current near future road map. However should this change or we're able to revisit this idea in the future we'll be sure to update this idea again.

5 - Atom

Any news on if this could be implemented? It's still something that would be very helpful when trying to use alteryx for a stable production setup

5 - Atom



Any update on this? It looks like it has been 4 years since the initial view.