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Unable to use direct links because Gallery resets after SAML login

We want to share direct links to analytics apps with our users.  However this does not work with our current SAML login.   This the use case.  

1. User clicks on direct link URL for the app  

2. User  is required to click log-in button

3. After login user is taking to the gallery home page not to the app


The end effect is that we cannot share links to apps with our casual users, instead we have to instruct them to go to the gallery log in and then search all public workflows for the specific app they are looking for.   Not a great user experience, especially because we did not have this issue before single sign on support. 


personally I think this is bug more than a feature request, but was asked to create it as a request by support 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

That is correct. Even if you want to send automated emails to users to direct them to specific applications, this will not work due to the reason you mentioned.


The only time I saw that working was when you received a link to a public workflow before logging in with your credentials. That URL is usually fine to share with the person running the workflow.

5 - Atom

Hi @marcusblackhill this is a good workaround since it saves the trouble of a non-alteryx user to browse through collections (an undesired extra step on the overall user experience), however it is not ideal - is any configuration on the server side possible to allow for an already authenticated browser session to accept direct links on new tabs?


I'm also leveraging Alteryx apps as user interface embedded on a broader in-house solution - and as we all know, UX is key for user adoption...



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

You're totally right @cgomes17 ! That's far away from the ideal, actually that don't even help much. 


Unfortunately, I don't have any solution on top of my mind for that situation. That idea brings that issue to the table, would be awesome if the product team can work on it.

7 - Meteor

Thumbs up. We need this. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I think it's about time to improve this integration with SAML...there are still a lot of gaps when using this method of authentication, and it's a standard in so many companies around.

7 - Meteor

Already suggested this (Voted on this one as well), it's actually not understandable how this doesn't have the expected behavior (Actually opening the links on click)


7 - Meteor

Completely agree @Thableaus ! People that get a link sent to them are typically not Alteryx users. Improvements here would be greatly beneficial for them and for the overall adoption of Alteryx, as this type of first time interaction will annoy them. 

5 - Atom

We are facing the same issue with a direct link (URL) to the analytic app, which is redirecting the non-Alteryx user to the gallery home page instead of the analytic app.  This is not the desired behavior that our users envisioned.

7 - Meteor

We lost this feature when we went to SAML too.  PLEASE fix this.

Status changed to: Accepted