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Transfer Gallery to Other Users

When an artisan moves positions (within or external) away from their current responsibilities, their collections and workflows should be able to be transferred via an administrator to another user.

11 - Bolide

The way workflow documents are stored in MongoDB, you're playing with fire. From what I can gather, if the workflow and associated files are big, it'll be chunked into smaller pieces and stored as multiple documents in several other collections. This is better solved with Alteryx providing a solution that fixes this problem.

11 - Bolide
 This idea is still in the works here at Alteryx. We hope to have a feature like this in the near future. Thanks for your patience. 

A concept that can solve the world's problems but works great everywhere inside of a lab. 

7 - Meteor

seems like this request has been made for years. Still nothing on this or did I miss an update?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

I'm happy to announce that as of Alteryx Server's 2024.1 release, curators can now transfer ownership of workflows and schedules individually and in bulk via the Server UI and APIs! Curators can transfer workflows between users even if the users are in different studios, and when a workflow is transferred, it will move to the new owner's studio. When workflows are transferred between users, the version history will be retained as well.


We also added two new APIs for curators to transfer asset ownership.

  • PUT /v3/users/{userId}/assetTransfer - Transfer ownership of all workflows, schedules, and collections from one user to another in a single API call.
  • PUT /v3/workflows/{workflowId}/transfer - Transfer workflow ownership from one user to another with the option to transfer the workflow owner's schedules as well.

These are our first steps at improving our transfer options and we will continue to improve them in the future. For more information, please check out the links below, and if you would like to suggest more transfer features, please submit a new idea and we will check it out!