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Sync In-Database between all workers and expose using API

Maintaining multiple workers (five currently, soon, six) with identical setups is challenging when dealing with In-Database (InDb) connections. I must log in to each worker, start Alteryx Designer, go to In-Db settings, and create the connection. This also becomes tedious when trying to update passwords, which occurs every 90 days in my company.


The suggestion is to set up an In-Db connection on one worker and have it propagate to the other workers. 

indb.jpg Propagates to other workers → indb2.jpg


This would save time maintaining workers in the gallery and help prevent errors during setup on each worker (e.g., typing in the wrong password).


As an "extra credit" mission, expose In-Db connections through an API that can list, create, update, or delete an In-Db connection.