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Sync AD users with AD group in Gallery

Now, gallery does not support AD group , need to setup user one by one.

If gallery support AD group synchronization, it is more convenient for gallery admin to manage large number of users.

By assigning AD users to AD group, it will reduce the maintenance task of gallery admin, since gallery admin don't need to grant rights in the gallery directly. 

8 - Asteroid


8 - Asteroid

@JohnPelletier  thank you very much for your reply. I just have another question


I want to get information regarding the usage metrics of an Alteryx Gallery - the memory usage/ CPU utilization. I would need this information so to know at what point of time in the future I would need to scale my resources. 


EVen while scaling, How would I know if I need to scale the CPU size or increase the number of nodes and to what quantity 

Would be great if you could advice me on this