Alteryx Server Ideas

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Separate Workers for Scheduled vs Ad-Hoc Jobs

Would it be possible to specify whether a worker handles scheduled jobs, ad-hoc jobs or both?  Right now it seems that the workers treat both types of jobs the same, meaning that a slew of ad-hoc jobs initiated from the Gallery could slow down jobs that are scheduled to run on a regular cadence.  It'd be great if those scheduled jobs could have a dedicated worker (or workers) and have any ad-hoc jobs handled by a separate worker (or workers) so that the scheduled jobs (which might be more important) are not held up by one-off jobs.

4 Comentarios

In the Alteryx Server Configuration, it would be helpful to have an option to customize a Worker to run Gallery Jobs only OR Scheduled Jobs only.


With the relatively new ability to run Gallery jobs under user credentials, Enterprise deployments of Alteryx Server can benefit from an option that would allow them to customize which Workers can run Gallery Jobs or only Scheduled Jobs.


The Benefit:

  1. Workers that are running Gallery jobs would not be configured with a "Run As" id that has access to a vast amount of Enterprise data, which could be compromised by Gallery users.
  2. Workers that are running Scheduled Jobs would be configured with a "Run As" id that has access to Enterprise data; Ensuring that the ID & underlying data cannot be compromised by users running jobs on the Gallery. (In some organizations, the Scheduling capability is restricted to certain individuals who are treated as Administrators with Elevated Rights due to the amount of corporate data they could access)
  3. Worker Servers running Gallery Jobs may not require the same scaling as Workers running Scheduled jobs.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
El estado se ha cambiado a: Under Review

Thanks @danami for the idea!  Our current Server architecture does create certain limitations such as flexibility around optimizing execution across 2+ worker nodes. We are actively discussing enhancements and changes to our Server architecture, including data security, and will be sure to take this into consideration. Customer feedback and ideas help us define our product roadmap so please keep it coming!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
El estado se ha cambiado a: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
El estado se ha cambiado a: Implemented

This idea is being updated to Implemented as the ability to assign workers based on the job type, either scheduled or ad-hoc jobs, is doable through the worker tag feature available in our current version of Server!