Alteryx Server Ideas

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See Workflow Results from API Execution in Gallery

Our company has workflows where we use the Gallery API to kick off executions on server.  The user kicking off the workflow has setup API access using his account, but when he kicks off his jobs, it does not show up under his Gallery so he is unable to view the results.  In the admin panel, it shows the owner as (None) so it does not appear that workflows kicked off via the API get assigned to the user tied to the API key.


Conversations with Alteryx support revealed that these results are available via an API call, but not within the Gallery web UI.  It would be great if the user tied to the API key were added to the workflow execution so they could see results within the Gallery rather than going back through the API.  



8 - Asteroid

Strongly second this feature request.  It's really puzzling that workflow runs are treated differently.  It's a very common use case when Alteryx is integrated with other systems in a business process.


Yes please allow workflow runs triggered from API to show up in the Gallery so users can see the run and download resulting files.


5 - Atom

This is an absolutely necessary feature to allow folks to automate their trigger-based workflow executions in a meaningful and business-practical way. I was astonished to see this lack of Gallery visibility of API triggered flows.

This would be really great to have.

5 - Atom

Yes that is much needed to see in case workflow fails when called using api.

7 - Meteor

I agree - This would be a great addition.

8 - Asteroid

Strongly support this idea. I recently met the same challenge - after triggering the API call, I am not able to see the job results from gallery UI. I have to call trigger API to check the status. 


And the other thing I found is, if I would like to get the scheduled job results via an API call, I am not able to do that either! I am only able to see the results from the gallery UI!


It seems like two way problem to me.  

6 - Meteoroid

Do we have an update on this idea? This will allow us to closely monitor all the jobs in one place.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for your feedback! This idea has been reviewed by our Server team and we've decided this is something we'd like to include on the road map for the product. While we cannot provide an ETA at this time on when this feature will be released we'll do our best to update this idea once information is available.