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Scheduling Older Workflow Versions in Gallery

The Gallery currently only enables scheduling of the latest version of a workflow, regardless of the published version - for instance, if there are two versions of a workflow and Version 1 is the published version, only Version 2 can be scheduled since it is more recent. There is no straightforward way to schedule Version 1.


Currently two workarounds are to:

1) download the older (published) version, export to Designer, and then save as an entirely new workflow in Gallery.

2) re-save the local Designer file of the older (published) workflow as the most recent version in Gallery, for example re-saving Version 1 as Version 3 so that "Version 1" can be scheduled.


The ability to publish and schedule older workflow versions would be a helpful new feature to add to Gallery, as this would avoid the need to re-create or duplicate workflows simply because the most recent version has an unexpected issue that the previous version does not have.

1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @anthonyzhao thanks for your feedback! This visibility into how users would like scheduling to behave helps our product team with future planning and understanding users' needs more directly.