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Scheduler Precedence Control

On Success --> Do This

On Fail --> Do that


The lack of control and flexibility around the scheduler seems to cause people to bury the logid down in runner macros or unnessarily poll custom log tables to see if a status has changed.


I am aware of a couple of clients calling for this functionality. This can be performed via command line but it realy needs to be in the scheduler options.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for the feedback, @Aaron_dup_9! We're looking at some significant changes to our scheduler - while execution precedence may not make our first pass there, we'll be setting the foundation to start adding more capabilities like this to it in the future. You're right, there are others asking for this too, so it's most certainly on our roadmap.

11 - Bolide

Being able to better control workflow order of execution and dependencies is causing me large headaches and I'm reluctant to build in dependency in my workflows to Adam Riley's runner macros as there's no support should he find himself unable to support the macros in future. Controlling order of execution is an area where Alteryx is weak but if they get right could make the product more of an enterprise tool.

11 - Bolide

+1 for me!

12 - Quasar

I built a custom scheduler function, I work for Aaron, that has predecessor and many other schedule triggers and controls.  We did this due to the limited ability of the Alteryx scheduler.  I presented this at Q4 2016 Tampa UG so you can go there to get some perspective.  It leverages batch commands, has multiple logs to track and monitor, and a core asset file where you put your job and location and other pertinent data like schedule conditions. 


It grew out of needs and limited time so it is using flat files, the next generation will use a database to house logs and schedule criteria.


We have about 120 jobs scheduled and on any given day we run about 2/3rds of those jobs.  The variety of conditions include but are not limited to weekly, specific day or days of the month, business day on or before or after, predeccessors, and time of day.

13 - Pulsar


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.