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Saved Workflow Version Limit on Server

I would like to see ability to limit the number of versions a user can save of a workflow. As a server environment ages we start to see the database become unnecessarily larger because the number of version of workflows. For servers related to DEV and QA environments as an Admin I would like to be able to say users can keep their 10-25 most recent versions of their workflows. Then anything over that will start to auto-delete just like the auto save feature in Designer. 

1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


This is a good idea and its always great to get insight on what kind of features would assist admins with control and regulation over their servers. If there are any other server ideas, or ideas in general, that you'd like to see in the product be sure to like and comment with any useful additions, it really helps us out!