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Save runtime parameters with application (within gallery)

As an enhancement to the gallery, I'd like to be able to save my application parameters in the gallery in a similar fashion to when I run an app locally.  Users can view the results of an application run, but can't save the parameters that created the run.  I'll go a step further than this and ask for another enhancement.  I'd like to be able to access the questions & responses within the execution of the app to display them during reporting.t


Use case:


For a list generation application, I need to present to the user the criteria applied during the selection process.


Input Address: 49015

Type of Vehicle: Chevy

Minimum Year: 2010

Maximum Year: 2015


I've got a working solution that is okay, but not very "Alteryx-easy".  I need to have a second update attached to the interface tool to update the user response.


Thanks for your consideration,



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks, Mark! We've heard this request, and it's something we're taking a look at and determining the feature-set here. This isn't currently slated for a release, but as we get closer to that point, I'll be sure to keep this thread updated! Let's keep the comments going on any additional features around this idea too!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.

7 - Meteor

So much yes to this idea - my organization is getting ready to do some more server deployments, and some of our analytic apps require a lot of user selections/inputs. Users are instructed to save the inputs so that they can call those up and not need to fill out the form every time they want to run. Looks like this same feature isn't available on server, so this would be really nice to enable the user to import their input file to fill in the parameters more quickly.

7 - Meteor

Any change in status?  The larger our user base the more critical this becomes.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for your patience!


This idea has been reviewed by our current product team, and due to several factors we're unable to include this idea on the near future roadmap. However our product team would like to keep this idea in mind for future roadmap planning down the line and as such I'm updating this idea to Revisit. We'll do our best to update this idea again once our product team has reviewed it again further down the line.