Alteryx Server Ideas

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SAAS options for Alteryx Server - starting with learning option

Hi all,


i hopped onto Azure tonight to see if I could create an Alteryx server to start learning Alteryx server as a skill.    I was expecting the cost to be somewhere in the range of Microsoft SQL server on Azure, or Microsoft Power BI (a few dollars, but not more than $20 per month for limited usage).    I was fairly shocked by the price on offer (8k - 10k per month), with no option to price this by usage.


Could we work together to create options for people to stand up their own small Alteryx server like this for the purposes of learning - right now there is no way to learn Alteryx server unless you are actually an admin of a live server, which makes it impossible for people to learn this at home to build their skills (and impedes Alteryx building a base of skilled users in the market).


Happy to work with the team to help make this a reality.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks @SeanAdams for sharing your thoughts and willingness to work with us on the Azure offering. I will keep that in mind. We are considering options for home use or learning purposes for our products. At the moment, folks can leverage our cloud offerings on Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure using the hourly pricing model or the BYOL model (Bring Your Own License).

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community! Your idea is interesting to us, but we have determined that we are unable to place this idea on our road map for the product due to several factors. However, should we be able to return to your idea in the future we will update the status back to Under Review.

5 - Atom

Has there been any change in the Roadmap , to provide SaaS offering for Alteryx server. Found the following article does this mean SaaS offering is available