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Rename Workflows and Apps From Gallery

The ability to select a workflow or app within the Gallery web interface and change its name. This would maintain its historical run data, version control revisions, placement in collections, etc. 


Use case: As a workflow or app continues to be developed over time, the name may need a revision to continue reflecting the workflow's function. 


Best regards,


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@troyfurnace is completely correct in that this feature exists through the Replace Workflow functionality in Gallery. 


Does this achieve the idea's goal, @rdoptis ?

5 - Atom

I would also like to see this feature....and thank you 

11 - Bolide

Hi, @KylieF,


I believe what @troyfurnace proposed is a good workaround in a pinch, however I'm hoping this process can be greatly simplified to a 1 click operation where a new name is entered and it's done. Any required use of designer to get a new name set is not a friendly user experience. 


Best regards,


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @rdoptis,


Thank you for the clarification! I'll insure this idea gets included for product review in the near future then.

7 - Meteor

Simple but handy suggestion 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for your feedback!


Our product team has completed the review of this idea and have determined we're able to include it on the near future roadmap. We'll update this idea again once we are closer to the release of this functionality.

8 - Asteroid


I would really like feature to be added. 

11 - Bolide



I'm also hoping for this feature ! 

The workaround is great but does not overcome the renaming challenge if you want to preserve the original id for API triggering.



8 - Asteroid


Nice workaround @troyfurnace until there is an option to replace the workflow directly in the Gallery.


After Step #4,

Step 5: I opened the new workflow file in Designer again and saved it to Gallery with OLD name.

Step 6: Open the workflow in Gallery (having NEW name now) and replace it again with the workflow that is named with OLD workflow name.(step 5).


This way, the name of the workflow, workflow results and also the name of the workflow in Schedule are all preserved.




7 - Meteor

I also endorse this request to rename, update and delet flows from the in the Gallery without need the Designer.