Alteryx Server Ideas

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Private Studio Workflows keep Assigned Workers When Setup as a Scheduled Workflow

We have a lot of Alteryx users that generate their workflows in Private Studios and set them up as scheduled Workflows, but the assigned Workers/job tags in Private Studio aren't carrying over to the scheduled workflow, which has to be updated by someone with higher access.  This is creating a time consuming task for our administrator who have to update these scheduled workflows to make sure our unassigned Worker node isn't overloaded.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This may be also be a valuable addition to the API - the ability to assign a scheduled job to a particular worker tag @JohnPelletier 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

If you would like to see this Idea implemented as a new feature, I strongly encourage you to Like the post and add your use case in the comments.