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Need the ability to save app question choices

Analytics Gallery needs the ability to save my question choices - so I don't need to re enter them every time I run the app.

13 - Pulsar

Well can't we have every entry recorded to file and

then the latest one (or the most frequent entry) is shown as the default label, just a thought?


7 - Meteor

@Atabarezz could you please specify what you mean by "shown as a the default label"? 

I'm facing the same problem as @JohnF - I have many questions in my App in the form of questionnair and answers should be the output for further process. But the next month when I open the same Company Profile again I'd really appreciate if previously selected answers were autofilled for me so I could only change them in case needed, not fill from zero again. My inputs consist of almost every type of Interface tool and I couldn't find the way to make Default value floating and changing depending on my input Company profile

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

@KylieF - I think this should be moved to server


cc @KevinP & @JohnPelletier - This is what we were discussing a few weeks ago

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Yes, we are looking into some kind of solution here. No promises yet, but we feel your pain and appreciate the feedback.