The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Server Ideas

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Multiple Triggers for workflows

It should be possible to trigger the same workflow in different ways from Alteryx Gallery: 

- Workflow chaining: 

      -  Workflow B runs after the successful execution of Workflow A

      -  Workflow B runs after the failure of Workflow A

 - Schedule: Workflow B runs on multiple schedules

- API call (even when it is not an analytical app) 


For example (considering the same workflow): 

- Audit workflow runs every day

- Audit workflow runs every hour during the last day of the month

- Audit workflow runs if triggered by financial close on 3rd party tool 

- Audit workflow runs after the execution of the financial workflow