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Monitor Job Status within a Scheduled Job

When a process is running in foreground, the GUI does an excellent job of giving feedback to the user as to which "step" the job is running and how much data is processing through the active tools.  When that same job is scheduled, the amount of information is limited to when the job began execution.

If a tool was able to give checkpoint status out to the user, we could better monitor the progress of scheduled jobs.  The visibility to the job is most important for long running jobs.  We've unfortunately had instances where we have had to cancel jobs and to restart them not knowing how close or how far from finishing they were.

Thanks for your consideration,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Hi Mark,

This is a request we have gotten often.  While we don't have a complete solution for this, as of Alteryx 9.0 we will be displaying progress in the queue for running jobs.  In the future we hope to make the in progress output log available as well.  You can see in the screenshot below the percent complete on the module in the status column.

7 - Meteor

Insight to where the module is processing would be great.  The status doesn't seem to accurately reflect the module's overall % completed.  I've seen it go from 98% back to 10%.  It seems to reflect teh % complete of a certain tool.  It would be helpful to even be able to rename a Tool Id and that status be sent back.  So instead of Tool ID (5) I could name it 'State DeDupe' and then the scheduler report back to 'State DeDupe - 75%'.  Even a quantity would be nice.  Something that could indicate that there may be an issue with a long running scheduled job. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Thank you @jm_idm for adding some great ideas about this topic! I have re-opened this thread so that we can see if more customers would like to see similar changes. We have a very full plan for 11.0 but may be able to squeeze this in depending on the attention this topic gets.

5 - Atom

I would love to see this implemented. A huge downside to using the scheduler is the lack of progress transparency, and we've also run into issues where a job seems to have 'hung', but without any insight on where in the process it is we could be cancelling it seconds or days from completion.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi all - moving this post into under review as we're thinking about some future scheduler enhancements, particularly in the Gallery.  We'll keep this post updated and thank you for the feedback!

7 - Meteor

Having a status of which step is at __% would be very helpful. At least then you would know if the job will be done shortly or is still at an early part of the workflow.

5 - Atom
Update a table with a number representing the step. Then you can examine that table to see what step started.
6 - Meteoroid

Wondering any update on this topic? 

8 - Asteroid

I'm wondering too.