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Have results from schedules shared via collections appear in Workflow Results

If two users sit in the same studio and have multiple scheduled workflows in that studio, both users can see the results of those schedules under "Workflow Results" -> "My Jobs"/"Jobs Shared with Me" 


It gives both users in the studio good visibility of all the workflow results they have access to.


Now if we move to a 1 studio-1 user environment and share workflows and schedules via collections, this "Workflow Results" -> "Jobs Shared with Me" functionality is empty. Instead users have to go to each schedule individually to see the results from them there. 


So if you're in a 1 studio-many users environment, there is a single place to go to see all workflow results. But if you're in a 1 studio-1 user environment and sharing via collections, you have to go to infinitely many places to see the results of all the schedules shared with you.


So my idea is to have results from schedules shared via collections appear in Workflow Results.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @Balders  we appreciate your feedback! If you haven’t yet, check out our updatedSubmission Guidelines as it goes over our idea boards and the requirements to reach product in a bit greater detail. Be sure to check out the other product idea boards as well as like any other ideas that would benefit you! 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your suggestion! This is intentional behavior, but we do have the ability now since 2020.3 to see results from shared schedules by looking at Schedule details in the collection.