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Gallery - manual runs triggered on the Gallery visible to all users with studio access

I am an Artisan but not the Owner of the studio - I uploaded the workflow and would like to see all the jobs (including manually triggered) that run for my workflow so I can track any issues i.e. when workflow fails. I checked with the Owner of the studio and he also can see only the runs he triggered. 


I understand from the Support team in my company that option to see all the jobs that run is currently available only for the Curator role but would be extremely helpful if you would make it available to all the users that have access to the Private Studio.

1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


Permissions is a interesting topic, especially when taking into account the large variation in environment restrictions any one company can face so we appreciate all the feedback we get on how we can improve our gallery permissions. I'm sure our product team would like to hear any additional use cases users might have for this feature so any users interested in this idea please let us know what you think!