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From which collection was the user executing/scheduling a workflow? Indicate in MongoDB.

When I publish a workflow, I want it to have different behaviour based on the collection from which it was executed or scheduled. Let us suppose that I create a DEV collection and a PROD collection. The workflow is shared in both. If the workflow is executed from DEV, then I will have some logic to do X (output to specific folders, etc). If from PROD, the logic will do Y. The logic will be up to me. If the collection information is captured in the MongoDB layer, then I can pull it out on the fly by joining the collections, appInfos, and AS_Queue or AS_schedules collections. Querying the DB on the fly during execution and pulling that value is trivial. Once I have it, I can use it for any sort of logic as an environment sensing variable. Can you please store the info in MongoDB?

1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


This is good feedback for our server team on what sort of information is currently missing from the database and how it would be beneficial. We understand how important tracking and database records are for our products and strive to improve them as best we can.