Alteryx Server Ideas

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Submission Guidelines

Enhance the migratable endpoint to validate Gallery Data Connections in YXZPs

The publishing endpoint, a POST to api/admin/v1/workflows/, is useless whenever workflows, apps, or macros contain Gallery Data Connections.  The workflow will get published but valid Gallery Data Connections are ignored and the apps will not run.


Please add the same dependency checks against Gallery Data Connections as is performed when a workflow or app is manually published from Designer.


This might be considered a subset of the Idea Server API to extract / submit workflows.



Thank you for your consideration.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


We appreciate all the feedback we get on how we can further improve our API functionalities to best meet the user's needs. While your idea looks good and is not missing any components, I'd recommend checking out our Submission Guidelines as it contains some insight into the process of how ideas reach our product team after being submitted.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for your feedback! This idea has been reviewed by our Server team and we've decided this is something we'd like to include on the road map for the product. While we cannot provide an ETA at this time on when this feature will be released we'll do our best to update this idea once information is available.