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Configuration to set the Timeout of a manual running job in the server side


We would like to have the option to configure the timeout of the manual running jobs, as already exists for the schedule jobs.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @joanatpsantos, thanks for your idea! I can see how that would make sense. Our Server team is constantly striving to make our products better, and the user feedback we received is critical in that mission.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

This would be incredibly helpful to larger envs for sure!

7 - Meteor

Is there any feedback from the Product team ?


From a Governance point of view, this is crucial, and It shouldn't be too hard to implement.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Server Admins would really appreciate this. It's tough when we get a call 3 am to kill a job that got stuck in the queue.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

This is a good idea and we want to consider it. I will update this post when the product team knows more.

5 - Atom

Hi Guys,


We also have the same requirement like all the manual jobs running on server should be auto cancel if they exceed particular time frame.


As I can see this idea already has been approved state so Is there any update ? or on which alteryx server version this functionality will be going to be enabled ?.




7 - Meteor

Yes, very much needed. This would also help with interactively ran jobs via API which may be using external apps to kick off jobs on more custom schedule since those also run as "Manual"

11 - Bolide

This is a must have... ! 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Any updates on this one?

7 - Meteor

Nothing yet.... it's quite annoying from a governance point of view, especially as you can schedule job runs over API's, passing over these limitations on scheduled as well.