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Application (Gallery) Required Fields

I've been writing applications and regularly need to REQUIRE fields for data entry.  When I do, I include ERROR MESSAGES at minimum.  Often I label the field as something like:  Name (Required).  Wouldn't it be nice to have a red star or have the data field in another color for background?  Taking this a step further, the validation rules being activated within the screen (rather than during run) would be awesome.


As long as I'm posting ideas, it would be nice to have an Alteryx supported function to identify the user within the application global variables.  For users, it would make my apps more friendly if they could save their configuration (*.yxwv) in the gallery.  Extending that thought, within my application I would like to be able to have easy access to their responses as well.


My use case for access to the .yxwv file data is that I will repeat some of the fields back to the user within my output.  When needed I will write the responses to a text input tool and format it for display in the output.  That requires an additional action and maintenance within the application.


Just a few application thoughts.





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi All!


Thank you for your feedback and idea! This idea has been reviewed by our Server product team and has been accepted to be included on the road map for the product. While we cannot provide an ETA on which this feature will be available we'll do our best to insure this idea is updated once get get closer to the release containing this feature.

5 - Atom

This would be huge for me, I have so many users getting into apps, and they cannot interpret the errors that it's throwing them. I'd love to be able to have the red star to indicate a required field, or even some sort of capability to customize error messages... It's extremely not user friendly for non-data people.