The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Server Ideas

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Analytic App Tabs on Separate Pages

The idea is to have tabs on separate pages in the Gallery (or the option to allow that type of behavior).  Right now, if you created an analytic app that has questions on different tabs they will be on separate pages in Designer, but when you push the workflow to the Gallery all the questions will be on the same page. The tabs act as a navigation bar instead of taking you to separate pages. 


Here's two different discussions that ask about this in case there is any confusion:


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @iwilliams, thank you for your idea! We appreciate all the feedback we get and are working to review and respond to all ideas that have met the criteria to be brought to our product team. If you haven’t yet, please be sure to review our updatedSubmission Guidelines

8 - Asteroid

Would be really cool if you could also control user permissions by Tab/Page.


I would like to be able to publish one workbook and allow one user group to run the "Default" workflow and another user group to be able to see a second where the user interface tools allow them to run the report in debug and other modes...


LMK if another Idea is needed for this but this one seems to be pretty close to my problem...

Which is one set of users should NOT be able to see the second tab of UI tools.

5 - Atom

It looks like this issue has been fixed with Designer/Server 2023.1 :)