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Allow Transfer of Owner from one Workflow to Another by an Admin

I am noticing what I think it's a big gap in terms of turnover and job changes.  Even though you can add workflows to a Collection for development and update purposes. Only the original owner/publisher can see the version history for a workflow. At least that appears to be the case in 2020.1


Is there any discussion for the road map to include a way to transfer the ownership of a workflow from one user to another? this would alleviate the need to publish a brand new version and then reset all the scheduling. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback! It's awesome to see so many likes come in on an idea in a short time frame. If you haven't yet, please be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines as it goes over the process and best practices in regards to our idea boards.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for your feedback and ideas!


Our product team has reviewed this idea and determined we're unable to include it in our product roadmap in the near future. This is due to several dependencies we need to address first, and are currently being looked into. We'll update this idea again once we have addressed the necessary dependencies and can re-evaluate this idea properly.

8 - Asteroid

This is a very common use case where in we have to manage and maintain the workflows and schedules developed by leavers from the team. Maintenance and ownership transfer becomes a tedious task especially when the leaver has a sizeable amount of assets being hosted in the server environment.


I feel transfer of ownership should be a "MUST HAVE" when it comes to product priorities. 



Annamalai Moorthy



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This would be a nice add!

11 - Bolide

I'd love to see this feature added sooner, rather than later. We have a handful of users that have many workflows - if they leave the company for any number of reasons, we'll have no way to move their workflows. We also have many consultants who come and go and we want to move their workflows to someone else.


Sure, collections are nice but as the OP said, there's no way to look at the history. Switching studios isn't an option. 

11 - Bolide

Well, that time has come. That one user with about 40 workflows has decided to quit my company and now I have to spend an insane amount of time to download all of his workflows, then have his replacement re-upload them to the server. All history of these workflows will be lost (because this doesn't transfer) and two people have to waste their time when it could've been as simple as hitting "change owner".



6 - Meteoroid

This is still a thing huh? Any MongoDB experts out there want to create an app?

11 - Bolide

Yup, still a thing. Nope, I'm not a MongoDB expert or I would've written it by now. It'd be more useful if that app was usable on MongoDB Atlas. This entire issue is a sore spot right now.

8 - Asteroid

This is a must, must have.  One of the selling points of the gallery is change control.  For that to work, the change control needs to live on after someone leaves the company.  Downloading the file and re-uploading isn't a sufficient work-around and can get really messy.

6 - Meteoroid

Please add this feature.