Alteryx Server Ideas

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Add Search Bar to Schedules Tab

Very Simple Request.


Just like how you can search for a collection, we would like to be able to search for a schedule. One team has over 5 pages of schedules and it would be nice for them to search for one to update vs having to scroll through 5 pages to find it


Search Bar in Schedules.jpg

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @levell_x_dunn thanks for your feedback! Make sure to also check out other users’ ideas, and "Like" the ones you'd like to see in the product.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

I'm happy to announce that as of Alteryx Server's 2024.1 release, you can now search schedules by schedule name, schedule owner, and workflow ID.


For more information, please check out the Alteryx Server 24.1 Release Notes.